Cracked out coffee drinkers, two elaborately eliminated samples, and a possible prognosis…

~Friday~ I worked from Bruegger’s Bagels at Mission Valley this morning until leaving at about 10:30 for my 11:00 doctor’s appointment out at RTP. While I was waiting in the line, I looked around to see if my award was framed and hanging anywhere, but I didn’t see it. When it came time to pay, … Read more

A bumbling boarder, a three-meeting workday, celebratory drinks, and The Help pleases…

~Thursday~ I was at the city bus stop at 8:18. Because the bus didn’t arrive until 8:25, and there was no one else waiting at the stop after that deluge of students yesterday, I was starting to wonder if I’d missed it getting out there at 8:18. I guess those students only have Monday-Wednesday classes … Read more

Razor blade extensions, students at the bus stop and back to school, and dancing…

~Wednesday~  A while ago, my friend Bob, who reads my blog and knows I haven’t changed the blade in my razor since February 4, 2011, gave me an ARKO shaving soap stick, saying that it gives him such a smooth, smooth shave (of his head), and joking that it could probably allow me to use … Read more

Still not well, prodigal gym trip, TWC & Twitter again, and a celebrity quiz…

~Friday~ I took a sick day today, and went back to sleep after sending an email to that effect to my boss. I took two more Pepto-Bismol tablets. I woke up at 11:25 and downstairs adding the coffee to my coffeemaker, which is right under my calendar on the side of the fridge, I noticed … Read more

An awardless morning, an annoying TWC bill, a “meh” (at best) NCGLFF film, & still not up to snuff..

~Thursday~ I was into work early this morning, and I got a free all-day parking spot as a result of it. At about 10:10, I hitched a ride with my colleague, Sarah, over to the Avent Ferry Technology Center for our week Google Implementation Team meeting from 10:30 – 12:00. This is the one that … Read more

Clindamycin side effects, a USPS sympathizer, a black bean brownie, and a 3:15AM return flight…

~Monday~ I was ready to head out at 8:05, which is about 15 minutes too early for the city bus, so I checked to see where the Wolfline bus was. The GPS service indicated, “Route not in service.” Oh yes, it’s that week after summer session ends, but before fall session starts, so only three … Read more

A listy day, looks busy when you write it that way, feeling powerless AGAIN, and a productive day…

~Sunday~  Since I didn’t get to bed until 4:00 in the morning, I had hoped to get eight hours sleep in. However, I woke up at a little after 10:00 and after two attempts to fall back asleep didn’t work, I accepted the inevitable and got up. One of my LJ friends, e-musings, often posts … Read more

The enforcer/aggressor, Sadlack’s bar, “luck,” wi-fi and hand-waving, and fruitless errands…

~Thursday~  I was at the city bus stop at 8:17. Checking Facebook status updates while waiting, I sent an email to myself with a link to an article called, “Why Some People Have All the Luck,” that my friend Rob Shook posted and commented about. The bus arrived at 8:20, with The Enforcer at the … Read more

At work by 6AM, three yenta activities, dude lightin’ sh*t on fire, hot messes, and joe with Joe…

~Tuesday~  I woke up at 4:30 this morning, and after not falling back asleep by 5:05, I got up and headed into work. I took advantage the early hour to drive in, as well as to bring in a 12-pack of soda and a bag of individual baked snacks to store in my office for … Read more