Some books I recommend

This entry is specifically for Leigh Day, but it’s a public entry for all who might be interested. I don’t think I can present these in an order that suggests I liked any one more than any other; I obviously liked them all (for different reasons, though) if they’re on the list. So, I’ll just … Read more

10 books that have stayed with me, but more importantly, why they’ve stayed with me…

~Sunday~ Recently—twice in fact—I've been tagged on Facebook to participate in a meme that asks you to list 10 books that have stayed with you or have impacted your life in some way. I'm sure there are others, but these are the ones that immediately came to mind. They are somewhat in order from most … Read more

Spoon Fed…

~Tuesday~ I have completed my fourth book, Spoon Fed, from the 27 Must Have Queer Summer Reads list. I will be taking a short break from reading a book on the list, as our next Mostly Social Book Club book has been chosen, and it’s a whopping 991 pages, to which I’ll have to commit … Read more

The Price of Salt…

~Wednesday~ Here are some thoughts on the third book, The Price of Salt, that I’ve now read from a list of 27 Must Have Queer Summer Reads. When I was first considering the books on that list, one of my observations (trepidations?) was that there were several “Lesbian books” and a couple of “graphic novels,” … Read more

The Velvet Rage…

~Saturday~  I have completed my second book in the 27 Must Have Queer Summer Reads. I’m going to get the annoying stuff out of the way first. This book had 13, count ’em THIRTEEN, errors in it that should have been caught by the least competent of editors. This detracted significantly from my enjoyment of … Read more

Donated diamonds, a Labor Day Holiday cookout, in-and-out scareyoke, and Asians and math…

~Sunday~ I got up at about 9:30 today, after trying to go back to sleep for an hour. I tested the mixture for the deviled eggs, which I immediately didn’t like. It was way too salty and the taste just wasn’t where I wanted it to be. I considered just tossing them all, but then … Read more