A snore of a meeting, a birthday affirmation, more homework, more class, more homework…

I worked from home this morning—the highlight being my 1.5-hour conference call on Intellectual Property Naming & Legal Education. Not! 51 Powerpoint slides in 1.5 hours. Let’s see, that’s an average speed of 34 slides per hour, or a half-a-slide per minute. But I digress… I logged in to Yahoo Instant Messenger, which I rarely … Read more

Mile-high club warning, living apart together, madman editor, class, finances, and homework…

Singapore Airlines has taken the unusual step of publicly asking passengers on its new Airbus A380 plane not to engage in any sexual activities. The potential problem has arisen because the first class area of its giant super jumbo contains 12 private suites complete with double beds.  The rest of the story… Who knew? There … Read more

Published again, radar t-shirt, Prudie snaps, work, homework, class, and booger drag…

I have been published again on onesentence.org! A friend sent me a link to this story about the Top 11 Geek T-Shirts. My favorite is the very last one: which actually lights up when you’re in the range of a wireless network! Love it, love it, love it. Another snap, snap, snap from Prudie: Hi … Read more

An all-nighter, IBM editing, the PhD Panel Discussion, class, homework, and some bad news…

I know my body is screaming, “What in the hell is going on?” After traveling for 20 hours, and getting to sleep in its own bed, for a glorious 10 hours, it thought it was back on track. And then what do I go and do? Pull an all-nighter. I was awake the entire night, … Read more

My “S-ness” and Cohen’s kappa schmappa…

I had an über-productive day today, but had to prioritize school work over work work. I will have to make up for that some how this weekend, but it’s going to be a challenge with our first paper for Rhetoric of Science and Technology class due on Monday, and three grueling reading assignments, for which … Read more

A gay marriage appeal from the heart, a cold, a wish list, and class…

If you haven’t seen this video or heard the news story, it’s worth a look. Could it really be happening? Was there really any way in hell a straight white male BushCo-era Republican would dare step up to a live microphone in front of a TV camera in a major American city and honestly admit … Read more

Editing, coding, snacking, class, and karaoke…

It was a tedious day in the neighborhood.  Tedious editing for work. Tedious coding for homework. I listened in on an hour education and information session called, “Using a Wiki to Track Content in Rational User Assistance.” After that, I participated in nearly an hour-long department meeting, during which my manager asked for feedback on … Read more

Meeting w/Jason, some library time, Molière (the movie), and bear411 night at Flex…

I met with Jason to discuss the segmenting and coding of his research data. I feel a lot more “on board” after the talk. We spent a little time afterwards talking about the class, and I asked him for some advice about talking to Susan about my “grade point average goals and objectives.” I found … Read more