Back of neck kissing, lallygagging gym patrons, a brilliant ad campaign, working, and reading…

~Sunday~  I was up after eight hours of sleep and fixed a nice egg, sausage, and cheese sandwich on an English muffin, along with a pot of delicious Joe’s Coffee House Bourbon Pecan coffee. You know what’s coming next. It’s Sunday. I put on my country gospel CD, and read this week’s PostSecrets while enjoying … Read more

A useless frequency distribution, “Language!”, he knew Hugh, and lifting weights @ 11:00 at night…

~Wednesday~  Another non-rushed morning, hooray for that. I arrived at the city bus stop at 8:16, but waited across the street from the stop in the sun. It arrived at 8:22. Who’s counting? The bus was pretty empty and for some unknown reason, I decided to count the number of people who got on at … Read more

Humans assigning meaning, rebel cheeseball-making, catching up with Joe, and this ain’t your gym…

~Sunday~  I hate, hate, hate that it’s the last day of vacation. Well, good morning to you, too. 🙂 I perused this week’s PostSecrets while enjoying my breakfast and coffee. Below is one of my favorite of this week’s entries, as it reminds me of what we do while we’re here as sentient beings—assign meaning … Read more

Sleeping in, buttered bolos levedos for breakfast, dated t-shirt sighting, & a blah dancing night…

~Wednesday~  Oh glorious vacation day! Kevin and I both slept in this morning and actually ended up downstairs in the kitchen, literally, within a minute of each other at around 10:15. Coffee was soon had by each of us, along with a slice of toasted and buttered Bolos Levedos, a half a banana, and a … Read more

Early to work, an Eggnog Mini Concrete, some scareyoke, and some old pics of a younger me…

~Sunday~  I was determined to not being doing work work at midnight on Sunday for the second or third weekend in a row, so I took care of that first thing today. After that I went to the gym, where I did 300 (15 sets of 20) ab crunches, followed by a 40-minute upper body … Read more

Living vicariously, an underliningly loved son, Mostly Social Book Club, and some flurries…

~Sunday~  Since I stayed in last night and was in the bed fairly early, I was up early after eight hours of sleep. It was Sunday morning, so you know what that meant. I really liked this particular PostSecrets entry of this week’s lot, as it reminded me of my friend Steve. I traveled with … Read more

A productive board meeting, snow, a strong back & a Neanderthal@the gym, and a toilet fly drowns…

~Saturday~  I was up at around 9:00, and off to Durham at 11:30 for our December Manbites Dog Theater Board of Directors meeting from 12:00 – 1:30. We had a productive meeting, and things are looking a little better financially for the theater, so that’s a nice boost of spirits. I was going to meet … Read more

Appetizers and entrĂ©es at the gym, an unbalanced elliptical machine, and food prep…

~Sunday~  I got in eight hours of sleep again, for which I’m grateful. Precious few holiday days left. Like zero. I kept putting it off, but at about 3:30, I finally went to the gym. Since food is such an integral part of my life, I’m going to describe today’s workout using a food metaphor. … Read more

A pregnant character, ringtone shenanigans, perilous parallel parking, & prostrate exercises…

~Monday~  I was running behind this morning, and arriving at the bus stop at 8:18, I couldn’t be sure if I hadn’t missed the 8:15 bus. At 8:29, I was just about to admit defeat, when the bus pulled up to the nearby intersection. There was a new driver behind the wheel, and he didn’t … Read more

Insurance issues and the back of the bus, people lessons, there’s George, meeting Ogun, & TPPN…

~Thursday~  I caught the 8:15 city bus with Hello Outdoorsy Driver at the helm. Sitting in my vicinity was a white guy in a wheelchair, a black guy sleeping, and a black lady two seats in front of me with a serious updo. A little bit down the road, the wheelchair guy’s phone rang: “I’VE BEEN … Read more