Living vicariously, an underliningly loved son, Mostly Social Book Club, and some flurries…

~Sunday~  Since I stayed in last night and was in the bed fairly early, I was up early after eight hours of sleep. It was Sunday morning, so you know what that meant. I really liked this particular PostSecrets entry of this week’s lot, as it reminded me of my friend Steve. I traveled with … Read more

Patent leather and flour shoes, a fun hat, an expensive package, ADT, & Salon XII…

~Monday~  On the Wolfline bus this morning, an Asian guy sat across from me in a bright red polo shirt, calf-length black pants that stopped four inches short of where his black socks started. That outfit was capped (or should I say “toed”) off with shiny, shiny patent leather dress shoes. The CapadeCam caught part … Read more

iPod resurrected; more than a slice of cheese, less than a slab of meat; POA details, and dancing…

As my coffee was brewing this morning, I looked over at my iPod that’s been sitting on a TV tray charging for about three days, ever since I saw that the “call support” error in the display had changed to a “low battery” message. On a whim, I unplugged it, and turned it on. It … Read more

Jeanie-baby’s funeral, working out, eating with friends, and Flexing with friends…

I arrived at First Baptist Church (FBC) in Garner at just before noon. Though the visitation ran from noon until 2:00, pretty much no one other than family showed up before 1:15. I checked out the number of flower arrangements on either side of Jeane’s open casket, but pretty much stayed away from it in … Read more

“Visiting” Jeanie, completing her eulogy, suit-fitting, dinner with Joe, and some drinks and pool…

I tried to sleep in today, but didn’t have much luck. At a little after 11:00, Phyl called to let me know that she, Jimmy, and Justin were at the funeral home, where they’d probably be for another hour or so, as they had to have a short meeting there with the pastor of First Baptist … Read more

A walk@the lake, brunch@Hibernian, eulogizing@Helios, and pool and karaoke@Flex…

A fan of radio shock jock Howard Stern was overjoyed when he thought he’d spotted his idol on Beverly Hills’ Rodeo Drive, says the National Inquirer. As the tall, shaggy-haired figure in sunglasses emerged from a limo, the star-struck young man rushed up, yelling, “Yo, Howard, I am such a huge fan, man!” before realizing … Read more

The ultimate writing assignment, a life lost, a clean house, some shopping, homework, and a show…

My day started off very emotionally today—with two phone calls. One of my dear, dear friends in life left me a voice mail message yesterday, saying that she had something very important to ask me—that it wasn’t urgent, but that it was important. She went on to say that she didn’t know if it was … Read more