An offhand remark generates a ton of discussion and some dancing…

One thing that’s interesting about Twitter, and its connection to Facebook’s status field, is that you just never know what kind of comment is going to spark wild conversation. At work, right before lunch, I went to the restroom, and upon returning to my office, I tweeted: I hate, hate, HATE urinals beside sinks in … Read more

Work, learn, and sleep makes Johnny a dull boy…

I had a full morning of meetings today, starting off with our weekly staff meeting from 9:00-10:00. After a half-hour break, I attended my weekly Service Planning meeting from 10:30-11:30. Another half-hour later, I attended a lunch seminar put on by the Campus Writing and Speaking Program from 12:00-1:00, for which lunch was provided—a delicious … Read more

Take a letter, John, address it to yourself, and then don’t die…

It’s official. I have lost my small Totes umbrella. Damnit. We had the weirdest weather today—hence the focus on the umbrella. We’ve had several days in the 70s and 80s, and all of a sudden, today, we had in succession: a tornado watch, a severe thunderstorm watch, and then a freeze warning. And in between … Read more

A quartet of buscapades, meeting Justine, a productive afternoon, climate talk, and a birthday…

Today’s buscapades are about emptiness, opaqueness, decisiveness, and succinctness. Emptiness: The bus was completely empty when I got on this morning. That’s so highly unusual that I checked my watch to make sure my power hadn’t gone out or something making it much later in the day than it actually was. “8:25,” it said. Thanks … Read more

Today’s buscapades, workday meetings, good news from a friend, and a fun dancing night…

Today’s buscapades are about problems. I have no idea how the different (physical) buses are assigned to each route, but every once in a while we get a bus that has something wrong with it. A case in point was the one yesterday with the broken stop cord. Today’s problems included what I guess would … Read more

Meeting Kevin & Danny@Helios, a walk and an interview, book club, and scareyoke…

I was up early, at about 6:00 after eight hours sleep—since we got to bed fairly early.  Robert left around 11:00, and around noon, my friend Kevin (zy1125, @zy1125) called to say that he and Danny (his three-year-old son) were having “boys day out,” and wanted to know if I wanted to meet him somewhere for … Read more

MBD Board Meeting, and Yelena and Josh’s wedding…

I was up at 8:00 this morning, and did just a little more work on grants for our Manbites Dog board meeting. Specifically, I looked at applying for a Google Grant for our organization. Getting that grant, we’d also get free access to Google Checkout. I headed to Durham at 9:30, actually leaving enough time to make … Read more

Hooded ballcaps, GFFs, a great lunch, Rosa Parks’ predecessor, and the Twoubles with Twitters…

Today’s buscapade has to do with men in hats… and hoods. The difference in temperature comfort zones in people always amazes me. It was not that cold today, and yet at each of three different bus stops, a guy got on the bus with a ball cap on and a hood pulled over it. It was … Read more

Buscapdes, Second Life, Race Study Circles, and Salon II

This morning’s buscapades included… After standing at the bus for about five minutes, with the bus’s imminent arrival, I realized that I didn’t have my Study Circle folder with me for tonight’s meeting. I did quick calculations about the time investment in walking back up to my place right there and then and missing this … Read more