Bus observations, a stamp d’oh, some time with Kevin, and dinner w/Joe…

A woman got on the bus this morning on Gorman Street, on just the other side of Western Blvd, and I’m not saying that her boot heels were quite at the sharpness of stilettos, but she had cleanly pierced a leaf that had become an unflattering, unbeknowst to her, part of her outfit—not unlike some … Read more

A good day at work, getting what’s (over)due (namely my photos), and Act A Lady…

I had another good day at work today—working at a good clip, but not crazy, and getting a good amount of work accomplished. Late morning, I checked my e-mail notification to confirm that my photo cards should indeed be at that K-Mart by now, so I called there. As soon as I said my name, … Read more

Work stuff, including affirmations, back to the gym, shopping, and researching…

My work day started off with professional affirmations about some work I recently completed—one affirmation from my manager and one from my manager’s manager: “Thanks so much, John! I spot a few errors of fact (picky, picky), but this is a great start and plan.” “I like where this is headed. Thanks for the good … Read more

More Six Feet Under, a lazy afternoon, a wounds unveiling, and some drinks from friends…

Robert was a dear this morning and put on the coffee and generally catered to me as I rested me knee. We watched a couple more episodes of Six Feet Under, after which, at about 1:00, I started falling asleep on the couch. Robert bid me adieu and let me be. I woke up at … Read more

Challenging IA work, Saroj’s retirement gathering, a cancelled show, and a distracted bus driver…

I had a productive, if not at times frustrating day today. Information architecture in a highly restrictive environment is challenging, to put it nicely. We had a nice retirement gathering for a colleague today, at which I honored her “with her own words.” Saroj is NCSU‘s “accessibility person.” It’s not that she’s the only person … Read more

2008’s first Christmas joke, a low-key day at the office, and off to Jacksonville w/Robert…

2008’s First Christmas Joke Three men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the pearly gates. “In honor of this holy season” Saint Peter said, “You must each possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven.” The first man fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter. He flicked … Read more