The weather’s perfect, so Stagnant Driver wears a coat; and a potential coke-blowing utensil…

~Friday~  The weather was absolutely perfect this morning at 63° and 65% humidity; although, it’s kind of scary when 65% humidity feels great. Since I was back on the 8:15 bus, Stagnant Driver pulled up and boarding I noted that she had on a windbreaker jacket, which was zipped all the way up. And although … Read more

Faux temps, hyperbolic sunshine, finding a church on the bus, & dealt 2 cards—a Queen & a 3…

~Thursday~  At the bus stop, the weather felt crisp and I wondered what the temperature was. A quick check of The Weather Channel app on my CrackBerry indicated 59°, which I just couldn’t believe. “It can’t be that cold out here.” I checked’s weather page, and it said 67°, which seemed much more plausible. … Read more

Being earsprayed and fishing on the bus, a good day at work, and Geromy’s swan dance…

~Wednesday~  The 7:45 city bus was on the late side, arriving at about 7:58. Who’s keeping track? When it pulled up, I noticed that its front and center sign that alternately displays the route (#12 Method) and the direction (Inbound or Outbound) indicated outbound. However, when it gets to my stop, it is inbound. I’m … Read more

An airport run, working from home, a sympathy card, a workout, and money & happiness…

~Tuesday~  I took Kevin (av8rdude) to the airport this morning to pick up his rental car instead of this afternoon to catch his flight back to Seattle, as his plans changed while he was here, and he’s off to the northeast instead. I worked from home with the exception of running in to the office … Read more

Domestic chores, gymcapades, a vehicle for butter, a prodigal plug, and a short night out…

~Labor Day Monday~  Oh glorious holiday! I slept in. Kevin (av8rdude) took my car to spend a few hours with some Raleigh friends of his, and I took advantage of the time at home to devise my Sunday blog entry; load dirty—and then unload clean—dishes from the dishwasher; and wash, dry, and fold a load … Read more

Crazy self-talk, please assess my Jungian complex, and a long night of mostly drinking…

~Sunday~  Oh glorious sleeping in, I appreciated you so much this morning. I went to the gym at around 2:30, where I did 60 minutes of cardio work on the elliptical machine for an 1162-calorie burn. I really wasn’t “feeling it” today, and the inner dialog started right at about the 20-minute mark with, “I’m … Read more

A quiet awakening, an almost SHIFT-INTO-UPPERCASE customer experience, a workout, and bar-hopping…

~Saturday~  I woke up at 10:59, and I was happy to turn off my alarm that I thought was going to screech at 11:00, but it was actually set for 11:30. A quiet—less harsh—start to the day at any rate. I stopped by K-Mart on my way to the gym to either get that discount … Read more

The bus at oh-dark-hundred; humming in the mens room; tea leaves, Tarot cards, and fun, oh my!

~Friday~  I got to bed at 2:00AM, so the 5:45 AM alarm was too soon and not at all welcomed. I think this might be the first time—in the almost two years now that I’ve been riding the bus to work—that it’s been dark when I’ve walked to the bus stop. I caught the 6:15 city … Read more

Biceps bulging on the bus, a bus meteorologist, dinner@Two Guys & Trailer Park Trash…

~Thursday~  I caught the 7:15 Wolfline #9 Greek Village bus this morning, where a college hottie waited for it to arrive with me. Well, technically, he wasn’t waiting with me. He had on a light blue/gray t-shirt that highlighted his erect nipples, and at one point he stretched raising his t-shirt up to expose the … Read more

A mobile walk-in freezer, ebony & ivory & a dog on the bus, laughing with Anna & Sarah…

~Wednesday~  I got my butt up at 7:00 instead of 7:30 today, with the specific goal of catching the 7:45 bus instead of the 8:15 mobile toaster oven. It was another one of those days that wasn’t that hot temperature-wise, but the humidity was so high that the back of my neck was wet with … Read more