Working boxers, a detailed diagram helped, a TWC customer service NIGHTMARE, a workout, & drinks…

~Friday~ I worked from home today, and this is what I said about it in a Facebook status update: Most of my day was consumed with editing our organization’s annual report to the chancellor. Late in the morning, I got a response from regarding their erroneous sign that I discussed in Monday’s blog entry, … Read more

Marked up letters from mommy, commando chafing, more touching on the bus, and tag you’re it…

~Thursday~ I had a 10:30 meeting in the Avent Ferry Technology Center (AFTC) across from Mission Valley and instead of going to work over on Hillsborough Street and then catching a ride over there with colleagues, I decided just to head over there from home and work there until my meeting. I drove to the … Read more

She works hard for her money, leg-rubbing intimacy, lunch w/Myra & Sarah, & wrong major humor…

~Wednesday~  I drove into work this morning and parked in some 2-hour curbside parking near my office. I parked at 8:40 and promptly set my phone alarm clock to 10:30 to get out there and move it by 10:40. I happened to look at the time at 10:44 and found my alarm set to 10:30 … Read more

Stopping the insanity AGAIN, a backpack lunch bag, plaid-on-plaid action, and a catnap gone awry…

~Tuesday~  I’ve had a decent week of dieting (yes, I’m dieting once again), and although I exceeded my target daily calorie count on Saturday and Sunday, I’d planned for that by being under three times during the week. Tuesday is generally my weigh-in day when I’m dieting, which is what’s prompting this musing in today’s … Read more

A barely interesting tax refund, a juxtaposition of blessings and faggots, & catching up with Joe…

~Monday~  I finally opened a check today that I received in the mail last Thursday or Friday. I was surprised to find that it was my NC State tax refund. I had assumed it was another check that I get once a month, as its envelope resembled that one. So, it took the state of … Read more

A stripper-in-law, measuring cups magically emerge, and Hugh spends his day getting a year older…

~Sunday~  I liked this particular postcard from this week’s PostSecret collection as much for what it said as for what was written in response to it. My brother recently married a stripper. Although she’s functionally illiterate, probably severely psychologically damaged, and holds a very different set of values from the rest of our family… she’s become … Read more

Straightening, vacuuming, and dusting (oh my); turkey burgers on the grill; and airborne shrimp…

~Saturday~  I got up at 10:30, and I did some straightening around the house, including putting away clothes piled up all over the place in both my bedrooms, paper piles scattered all over my kitchen table, and putting away things that have been sitting on my couch for months (at least six, because some were from Christmas), … Read more

A shining intern, “rope top” solved, a family affirmation, stick shift happy, and bar hopping…

~Friday~  I was up on time this morning, and I caught the Wolfline #9 Greek Village bus on Gorman up by Avent Ferry Road. I didn’t take any “buscapade” notes about this morning’s ride, so it was either totally unremarkable, or I was distracted reading Facebook updates on my phone, or possibly sleeping, on the … Read more

Snoozed and loozed, missed buses, a productive work day, bad Mexican cucumbers, and dancing…

~Wednesday~ I snoozed enough times this morning to miss the 8:15 city bus. I killed a little time online, as I watched the progress of the Wolfline #9 Greek Village bus on the online GPS system that tracks it. When I thought it was close enough, I hopped in my car, and drove down to … Read more