Stagnant Driver named, a near trunk full of bus, unsolicited workout advice, & Glee…

~Tuesday~  Hooray for today, as the university fall Wolfline schedule went into effect, which means four times more buses running about three times more often than over the summer. With that said, I didn’t take a Wolfline bus into work this morning. I was rushed, however, to get to the city bus stop by 8:15, … Read more

The lady in red with a lot going on, a remote staff meeting, a workout, and a bust of a night out…

~Tuesday~   This morning, for 8:30 in the morning, well it was just plain hot already. Stagnant air. High humidity. Hot. The entire ten minutes I wilted waiting for the bus, I had one recurring thought, “Please let it be cool on the bus. Please let it be cool on the bus.” The bus pulled up … Read more

A stubborn refrigerator, a cracked limb, real fictional names, a workout, dinner, and scareyoke…

~Sunday~  I was up at 8:00 and had a quick breakfast and some coffee before getting on the road to Durham. I met Robert at The Streets at Southpoint, where I took my cooler and jumped into Robert’s sister’s pick-up truck. We drove to an “upscale home” not far from the mall, where we loaded … Read more

Gay adopted kids, redundant déjà vu, a memorial reception, a workout, and a night in…

~Friday~  I ran behind this morning, so I drove up to the Wolfline stop, and I approached the Kaplan / Gorman intersection just as the Wolfline bus did, which is to say, I missed it. Checking the current whereabouts of the next one on my phone, I knew I had about ten minutes to wait, … Read more

A bus sunroof, an Afro on the bus, pizza night at the gym, and an affirmation-generating meme…

~Monday~  I caught the 8:15 city bus, which had a different driver than the usual one. He talked about sports with two guys sitting up front my entire trip. The discussion started off with basketball, during which one of the guys said, “I don’t care what nobody says, Sidney Lowe is the best point guard … Read more

Interviewed for research, lunch w/Susan, upper body work, and alcohol arm curls…

~Thursday~  I went to catch the Wolfline bus at 8:00 to meet a student in the MS in Technical Communication program at 8:30 at Reverie coffee shop on Hillsborough Street, just down the street from my office. Not two minutes after I arrived at the stop, I remembered that it was Easter Break for the … Read more

Farmers’ Market breakfast, upper body work, dinner w/Joe, coffee w/Anna, bar night out…

~Saturday~  We were up shortly after eight, and at the NC State’s Farmers’ Market Restaurant for breakfast by 10:00. We each had their most delicious French Toast. I had an egg over easy on the side with mine, and Robert had a side of bacon with his. Back at home, I was in and out, … Read more

An updated resume, a workout, drinks out, dinner out, more drinks out…

~Saturday~  I completed a survey for a student who is doing her capstone class in the same program I graduated from in December of 2007—the Master of Science in Technical Communication program at NC State. As part of that, I had to update my resume to send to her. Interesting exercise. Glad to have done … Read more