Work stuff, an affirmation from our P2P leader, and a fun night of dancing…

I attended the OIT Web Team Meeting today, wrote an e-mail to Marc Hoit, our CIO, about his blog, and I responded to a director who is in a workgroup charged with creating “an ideal information technology or information services department at an Asian women’s university.” He wanted some input on what people thought would … Read more

Back to work, a class, scripts filled, a run to MBD, and a drink on the lanai…

I caught the 8:25 bus today, and Barry, one of my neighbors, and this other sort-of regular at our stop had a little chat. The lady works for the federal government, so was off yesterday for Columbus day. Barry works for the university, as do I, so both state employees, who did not have the day … Read more

Uncle Frank’s Memorial service, a lunch recption following, and my birthday…

Though my alarm was set for 9:00, I was up at 8:00 after about 10 hours sleep. Felt good. Aunt Annette and I had coffee and cinnamon toast, while we talked about the updating of her will, which she wants to do soon. She expressed concern about not having a co-executor to name, and I … Read more

Manbites Dog board meeting, a birthday lunch, and finally installed year-old SW…

I went to bed way too late, and got up way too early. I attended our Manbites Dog board meeting from 10:00-12:00, during which—after failing miserably at applying little stickies to invitations—I successfully, and in some cases quite beautifully, addressed a little over 100 invitations to our upcoming fundraiser on November 8, 2008. Ed, with … Read more

Some cards, negative money numbers, a couple brochures, and “bundle packing”…

First thing this morning, I wrote, by hand (that ancient art) in three greeting cards: a sympathy card, a “just because” card, and a thank you card. En route to my morning coffee, I dropped them off at the post office that’s two blocks down from my office. Having such things around me is one … Read more

A memorial service date, updated “scripts” plan, workout, dinner out, and some pool…

We were up around nine this morning, and I made Cheddar omelets; sliced, fried turkey ham, and toast for breakfast, accompanied by coffee, of course. Robert was an absolute dear washing a tie for me that I might be able to use on my trip to China. Thanks, my sweet! At about 1:00, I finally … Read more

LingoLook, class, fake babies, Nathan met me, and 120 Minutes…

An on-time, uneventful bus ride in this morning. I did think, as I was listening to music on my iTouch, that I should be using this transit time to learn Chinese, which reminded me of a podcast called LingoLook China, which someone in our delegation had purchased. This morning, I had a 9:00 class in … Read more

Red Robin, some work meetings, eat-in lunch, meeting with Katja, and a little shopping…

I forget to capture this about yesterday: We had a luncheon for a colleague who is getting married in a couple of weeks. It was at Red Robin, a place that I’ve always wondered about, but had never been to. I didn’t realize that it was basically a burger place. Obviously, I’ve never noticed their … Read more

Purchased another LJ account, brought Nathan my money, and got a haircut…

I listened to my my music on my new iPod Touch on the bus today, so missed out on any potential shenanigans, though visually, there didn’t appear to be any. Rhonda, my officemate, brought in some rum cake today for some occasion going on downstairs—what occasion exactly, I don’t know. What I do know is that the … Read more