Brothers can you spare a quarter? Crickets. UTTERS. A comic and a workout…

~Thursday~  I’ve seen the man before who sat in the seat in front of me on the bus this morning. I’m quite sure he’s a veteran of some war. He wears some sort of orange medical band on his left wrist and usually has his walking cane draped over the seat in front of him. … Read more

A “piggy banker,” a pumpkin orange blouse, not me in an ad, and dancing…

~Wednesday~ This morning we had a “Piggy Banker” board the bus at one stop. This is the person who pays their fare with a gazillion coins. One after another after another—that interminable clanging as the coins drop down the long, cylindrical chamber of the fare machine, and the people behind them waiting to get on … Read more

Didn’t love the guy, a morning of meetings, a big lunch, and a night in…

~Tuesday~ This morning at 8:00 was my appointment with my new dermatologist. This is the doctor that my GP, whom by now you know I love, recommended to me back when I saw her in May. Yes, I finally got around to making an appointment with him. This is what I wrote about him in … Read more

Buscapades coming and going, a hectic workday, and a mishmash for dinner…

~Monday~ The people sitting in the first few rows of the bus today could have posed in a picture for a diversity poster like this one: We had a couple of African-Americans (one male, one female), a couple of Caucasians (one gay male, one presumably straight female), an Asian-American lady, an Hispanic man, and a Native … Read more

A containerless pot of coffee, a badass on the bus, and The Turn of the Screw…

~Thursday~ It has happened twice now in the past couple of weeks, so it’s time to make a serious mental note that these two morning tasks, described here with the rhetorical device known as an unordered list: Put coffee on Get thermos out of briefcase from yesterday to put it in really requires an ordered … Read more

A DEfever, dreadlocks AGAIN, my 31st wedding anniversary, and dancing…

~Wednesday~ The first thing I did this morning was take my temperature. It was 97.1. A de-fever, I guess. The next thing I did was… well, let’s just say that I’m “regular” again and leave it at that. This morning there was a man on the bus with dreadlocks (Yes, dreadlocks yet again!) and a … Read more

The blind man said to his deaf son, big brother pizza, and Leslie Jordan @ Drag Bingo…

~Friday~ This morning a blind rider got on the bus at one stop. I’ve mentioned this guy before, although it’s been quite a while. The last time I mentioned him was when he didn’t take his fare ticket out of the machine after paying, and the bus driver held it out, waving it up and … Read more

Buscapades, dreadlocks (again!), people-in-the-news, and young-dumb-and-full-of…

~Thursday~  This morning Library Guy—who wears glasses, is usually totally silent on the bus, doesn’t make eye contact, and almost always reads, usually a magazine in his field of study—was yammering away with the lady behind me, who was the lady I mentioned a week or two ago who at that time was reading a … Read more

An airport run, Obama comes to rally in Raleigh, Skype, and dancing…

~Wednesday~ I was up at 5:20, left my house at 5:30, and picked up Joe at 5:45 for an airport delivery of his body to the US Airway terminal for yet another trip to Pennsylvania to address family issues. Back home, I had a quick breakfast, and brewed four cups of coffee while I made … Read more