Today’s buscapades, workday meetings, good news from a friend, and a fun dancing night…

Today’s buscapades are about problems. I have no idea how the different (physical) buses are assigned to each route, but every once in a while we get a bus that has something wrong with it. A case in point was the one yesterday with the broken stop cord. Today’s problems included what I guess would … Read more

Another early AM meeting, “NEXT STOP PLEASE,” our annual HOA meeting, and a trip to Lowe’s…

My work day started off, once again, with a 9:00 meeting. That’s two for two this week. I attended a 1:00-2:00 meeting about the creation of web design guidelines for our organization. I was sitting in for my officemate (and teammate), who would’ve been there instead if she hadn’t have been out sick. I spent … Read more

Like mother like daughter, a visit from Niceville, some James Baldwin, and some grant work…

Friday’s buscapdes: that little girl’s future and an ambivalent thought about some riders: That adorable little girl and her mother were on the bus again this morning, front row seat on the right side of the bus walking toward the back. They both had their hair pulled up in what I would describe as too … Read more

A buscapade, Ashton’s unabashed love, and dancing…

This morning’s buscapade is about this adorable little biracial girl that I think I’ve mentioned here before. Most days she is only with her (white) mother, and she’s absolutely precocious and adorable. One day last week, or the week before, her (African-American) father was with them, and he was totally disengaged—from both of them. He … Read more

Hooded ballcaps, GFFs, a great lunch, Rosa Parks’ predecessor, and the Twoubles with Twitters…

Today’s buscapade has to do with men in hats… and hoods. The difference in temperature comfort zones in people always amazes me. It was not that cold today, and yet at each of three different bus stops, a guy got on the bus with a ball cap on and a hood pulled over it. It was … Read more

A buscapade inquiry, No-TV 7-year anniversary, St. Patty’s Day drinking…

This morning’s buscapades left me wondering this about the girl who got on the bus with her bicycle and then got off two stops later: “Why???” Agriculture Awareness Week @ NCSU continued, where on the way to coffee, I saw not a man outstanding in his field, but a cow outstanding in his brickyard—along with … Read more

Buscapdes, Second Life, Race Study Circles, and Salon II

This morning’s buscapades included… After standing at the bus for about five minutes, with the bus’s imminent arrival, I realized that I didn’t have my Study Circle folder with me for tonight’s meeting. I did quick calculations about the time investment in walking back up to my place right there and then and missing this … Read more

Buscapoops, words that make you look like an idiot, two books, and seven short stories…

This morning’s buscapade actually took place while waiting for the bus. A young lady walking her large dog on the other side of the street stopped suddenly to accommodate the dog’s decision to do his morning duty. As he started squatting his hind legs, these thoughts ran through my mind: Look away. Give the dog … Read more

A surreal morning meeting, an “all-hands” (and feet) meeting, and the start of my Study Circles…

I had a most surreal start to my day today. Highlighting some convergence of events for context: Today was the first work day of Daylight Saving Time. My dad’s health has been declining since early Fall of last year. His issues include: failing kidneys, congestive heart failure (recently diagnosed), and prostate cancer (currently under control), … Read more