Unclean but not in mind, designers who don’t use their products, and being my doppelganger…

~Monday~  I was ready to leave the house well before the next city bus, so I checked TVS for the current location of the Wolfline bus, which was in a place that I could get to the nearest stop just in time to catch. At the stop, I made a note that that sign I … Read more

An eating kinda day, a lost and found credit card, 1000% humidity, and girls night out drag show…

~Friday~  Looking in my wallet this morning, I noticed that my credit card was missing. I checked two other places in the house that it could possibly be—to no avail. I quickly reviewed yesterday’s activity, remembering that the last time I used it was last night at the grocery store, and I made a mental … Read more

The enforcer/aggressor, Sadlack’s bar, “luck,” wi-fi and hand-waving, and fruitless errands…

~Thursday~  I was at the city bus stop at 8:17. Checking Facebook status updates while waiting, I sent an email to myself with a link to an article called, “Why Some People Have All the Luck,” that my friend Rob Shook posted and commented about. The bus arrived at 8:20, with The Enforcer at the … Read more

Bus carry-ons, snagged on @outagetracker, a Social Media Day meetup, and master punmanship…

~Thursday~  I got to the city stop at 8:16, and the bus arrived at 8:25. There were more students on the bus than usual, as the university buses are on a weird schedule this week; I think it might be between Summer Session I and Summer Session II now. There was a man on the … Read more

Hey baby on the bus, not sitting well, photo-in-a-photo, the back of the bus, & that’s not lasagna..

~Wednesday~  I was at the city bus stop at 8:15, and the bus arrived at 8:30. There were three kids in the back of the bus, two of whom talked loudly non-stop, while the other one, a baby, wailed intermittently. The bus made a stop in front of the new Bristol Creek apartments at the … Read more

Closure on the bus, gym fashion, Buddy Cop 2, life-changing bourbon, & the twins are back in town..

~Thursday~  I was at the city bus stop at 8:15, and the bus arrived at 8:26. A ways into the ride, a lady started talking incredibly loud on her cell phone. I’m not quite sure of the thought process that makes one yell louder and louder on their end because they can’t hear the person … Read more

A missing buses kind of day, good-looking an under-40 phenomenon, desperate for a mailman, & dancing

~Wednesday~  I checked the online GPS location of the Wolfline #9 Greek Village bus, and although it was doubtful I would make it to the stop in time, I tried anyway. As I was parking, the bus pulled up about 200 feet away. I walked to the nearest city bus stop, which was pretty close … Read more

Erections on the bus, Friends With Benefits night-vision goggles, and heady sunglasses at night…

~Tuesday~  Since I was up on the early side this morning, I decided to drive to work, and I got the penultimate free parking spot down by the Raleigh Little Theater. Sweet. And since I don’t have a buscapde to share, I’ll share a link to this very short article from The Onion sent to … Read more

The enforcer calls out cursing, unpacked after almost 3 years, and Salon XXII in 3D at Mitch’s…

~Monday~  On my way to the bus stop this morning, I checked my mailbox for potential mail from Friday and Saturday’s deliveries, but the only thing in it was a sales flyer, which I promptly left there. Those things go directly into my recycle bin anyway. I arrived at the city bus stop at 8:16 … Read more