Serious sleeping on the bus, Facebook in a work meeting, and drunken sailors in the grocery store…

~Friday~  I hit the snooze button one too many times this morning, which eventually precluded my making it to the bus stop in time for the 8:15 city bus. I used to time my arrival at the Wolfline #9 Greek Village Gorman and Kaplan stop to pretty much just step onto the bus—not without … Read more

A piercing chirp, a witch@the bus stop, a blasphemous banana, a technology coup, & a quick nite out

~Thursday~  I wasn’t sure how, but I woke up at about 6:45, and about a minute later I heard a short piercing chirp coming from my hallway area, which sounded about every 30 seconds. After about the third one, I got up and looked at the two detectors in my small hallway, one being the … Read more

Willy-nilly seats, NOT a handpack, implicit AND explict affirmations, & a birthday wish@The Borough

~Wednesday~  I was quasi organized this morning, so I only had to add the four heaping teaspoons of coffee into the coffee maker, which was already primed with a filter and water. I arrived at the city bus stop at 8:14, where within view there were three areas of the sidewalk “under construction.” I’m not … Read more

Perfectly 69, banana pudding to die for, smelling the roses, average bills, and airline up-sells…

~Tuesday~  I had a good eating week this week, and I appreciated that my scale agreed with me on that this morning. Progress. Since I’d made my breakfast and lunch sandwiches last night, and my coffee pot was set to automatically start brewing my coffee at 8:00, I was essentially ready to go when I … Read more

Impressively erect, an hourglass shape, a dirty CAPTCHA “word,” and drowning at scareyoke…

~Monday~ “Wow!” I thought walking to the bus stop, “This is the first time in I don’t know how long that both of my knees are pain-free.” I then went into a great, dramatic false memory of walking down an aisle and up to an altar, and having my forehead palm-slapped while a perspiring preacher … Read more

Marked up letters from mommy, commando chafing, more touching on the bus, and tag you’re it…

~Thursday~ I had a 10:30 meeting in the Avent Ferry Technology Center (AFTC) across from Mission Valley and instead of going to work over on Hillsborough Street and then catching a ride over there with colleagues, I decided just to head over there from home and work there until my meeting. I drove to the … Read more

She works hard for her money, leg-rubbing intimacy, lunch w/Myra & Sarah, & wrong major humor…

~Wednesday~  I drove into work this morning and parked in some 2-hour curbside parking near my office. I parked at 8:40 and promptly set my phone alarm clock to 10:30 to get out there and move it by 10:40. I happened to look at the time at 10:44 and found my alarm set to 10:30 … Read more

Stopping the insanity AGAIN, a backpack lunch bag, plaid-on-plaid action, and a catnap gone awry…

~Tuesday~  I’ve had a decent week of dieting (yes, I’m dieting once again), and although I exceeded my target daily calorie count on Saturday and Sunday, I’d planned for that by being under three times during the week. Tuesday is generally my weigh-in day when I’m dieting, which is what’s prompting this musing in today’s … Read more

A barely interesting tax refund, a juxtaposition of blessings and faggots, & catching up with Joe…

~Monday~  I finally opened a check today that I received in the mail last Thursday or Friday. I was surprised to find that it was my NC State tax refund. I had assumed it was another check that I get once a month, as its envelope resembled that one. So, it took the state of … Read more

A shining intern, “rope top” solved, a family affirmation, stick shift happy, and bar hopping…

~Friday~  I was up on time this morning, and I caught the Wolfline #9 Greek Village bus on Gorman up by Avent Ferry Road. I didn’t take any “buscapade” notes about this morning’s ride, so it was either totally unremarkable, or I was distracted reading Facebook updates on my phone, or possibly sleeping, on the … Read more