A Survivor primate, $omething’$ changed, back-door-front-door, and a bitter workout…

~Friday~  Finally a day in which I wasn’t running behind in the morning. I actually got out to the stop at 8:14 for the bus that doesn’t leave its originating stop about a mile away until 8:15. It might have had something to do with the fact that the university buses have stopped for winter … Read more

Yellow trees, public space violations, a Thanksgiving dinner with Joe, and dirty games at Flex…

~Tuesday~  I’ve been running behind in the mornings lately, so today I set my alarm ten minutes earlier than I have been. I was out at the bus stop at 8:17, and the bus arrived at 8:23. It was a beautiful morning weather-wise, and the sun caught the trees near my house and stop at … Read more

Insurance issues and the back of the bus, people lessons, there’s George, meeting Ogun, & TPPN…

~Thursday~  I caught the 8:15 city bus with Hello Outdoorsy Driver at the helm. Sitting in my vicinity was a white guy in a wheelchair, a black guy sleeping, and a black lady two seats in front of me with a serious updo. A little bit down the road, the wheelchair guy’s phone rang: “I’VE BEEN … Read more

My car gone missing, too much personal business on the bus, an $8K hold, and “I VOTED”…

~Tuesday, Election Day~  I had my alarm set for 7:00, with the intention of running up the street to vote and being back to catch the 8:15 bus. I tossed and turned not wanting to get up, running through various scenarios of voting during lunch or after work. Since I didn’t feel like getting up, … Read more

Technical communicator blog fodder, Galloway on Osmanthus, hours of minutes, and deserted dancing…

~Wednesday~  The 8:15 city bus arrived at 8:19 this morning, with Hello Outdoorsy Driver at the helm. She stopped at the next stop, which is a sync stop, for four to five minutes. There were only two other people on when I boarded, and none got on at this stop. I thought about a lunch … Read more