Met with Nathan, worked, attended STC’s luau, early to bed…

I met Nathan for a 30-minute 8:00AM meeting, in which he started off by allaying any fears about the solvency of Ameriprise—considering the national financial debacle that’s been going on this week. Next, we talked about shifting my asset allocation to a more conservative mix, as I enter the “quasi-retirement” phase that I’m in. He’s … Read more

9 hours sleep, exercising, Manbites minutes, Arbitron capture, and an affirmation…

I had nine glorious hours of sleep last night. Yay! I had waffles and eggs for breakfast today. It’s been forever since I’ve had waffles. I had an early afternoon workout, and in preparing to leave for the gym discovered that I’ve lost my water bottle. In the car, I confirmed I hadn’t left it … Read more