Dr. Brent Faber candidate day, an unsafe ride home on the Wolfline bus…

I worked at home today for IBM, taking a late lunch hour to attend a presentation on his research by Dr. Brent Faber of Clarkson University, who is the second (of three) candidates coming to campus this month to interview for an associate professor job opening in the Department of English. He “read” the first … Read more

A traffic-free morning, a career counseling day, class, and meeting minutes…

You Can Take the Woman Out of Georgia, but You Can’t Take the Spit Out of Your Coffee http://www.overheardinnewyork.com/archives/008720.html Waitress: Hi, sweetie, how are you?! Can I get you some more coffee, sweetie? Sweetie, you look like you’ve had a rough night, can I get you something else? Queer looking up at waitress for a … Read more

Back from Roanoke, book club at Southpoint, and a drag of a drag karaoke…

Because a Nose Ring Isn’t Worth Going off My Diet http://www.overheardinnewyork.com/archives/008709.html Random chick: You guys waiting in line? Freshman girl: Yeah, I’m getting my nose pierced. Random chick: Oh, nice… My friend just got hers done. It’s not supposed to be that bad. Freshman girl: Do you know if it gets in the way of … Read more

A trip to Roanoke with Joe to visit his sister and her family…

Joe and I left my place at about 11:30. We stopped at the Bruegger’s at Mission Valley, where I had to refrain from SHIFTING INTO UPPER CASE in terms of customer service. The line was too long; the people serving too inefficient, resulting in slow customer service; the person who helped me mumbled; the cashier, who … Read more