Reading, metamania, work, a ruined deck venture, a nap, and Trailer Park Prize Night…

~Thursday~  I was a non-observant slug on the bus this morning. I read the entire 10- to 15-minute ride, as I’m deep into the Moonlight Becomes You. Several characters are beginning to emerge as the possible murderer—that is to say, several of them have been provided with the two critical criminal elements: motive and opportunity. … Read more

Losers at the credit bureau, meetings with food, and off the grid early…

~Tuesday~ Thong Lady was on the bus—sans thong, or I suppose it would be more accurate to say—thong not visible. She was reading an Agatha Christie mystery, which made me feel connected to her in some small way, considering my recent delve into three Mary Higgins Clark mystery novels. Right-Hand Rule Lady was present along … Read more

Busy workday, sucky bus day, @shitmydadsays, and a night in…

~Tuesday~  The bus was running a little late this morning. It’s almost always at my stop by 8:25. Today it came at 8:30. Fortunately, I still made it in time for my 9:00 meeting.   I had three meetings today. Two involved food. The 9-10 one was our department meeting, to which I brought sausage biscuits, … Read more

A buscapade character reunion, a precise post office message, an affirmation, and some karaoke…

~Monday~ This morning there was somewhat of a Buscapade Character Reunion on the bus. Swapping Dollar was aboard, and none-to-happy about Arguing Man being in his seat up front, where he (Swapping Dollar) usually sits talking to the bus driver. You remember Swapping Dollar—the character formerly known as Cochise. Jackie O’ Lantern, another of that … Read more

Bad math, a full bus, what the dog heard, first Follow Friday, a volunteer stint, and bar talk…

~Friday~  This morning, I stopped by Hardee’s and used a coupon for a sausage and egg biscuit for $.99. I also ordered a medium sized coffee to pour in my thermos. “That’ll be $3.86,” the cashier said. I did some quick math in my head—$1.26 for coffee and $.99 for the biscuit. “Uh, $3.86 can’t … Read more

Buscapades, Internet laughs, bowling, and falling asleep reading…

~Thursday~ This morning’s buscapade brought back the Waffle House Lady, but this time I knew she was not taking the long way to work, but had just gotten off her shift, and was actually on her way home. Her name badge had four pins on it, a big one on the left side, and three … Read more

Xfer of responsibility, never been there, funeral parlor shenanigans, MBD BOD meeting…

~Tuesday~ Today brought about a transfer of responsibility on the bus. Specifically, the accounting for my free ride each day has been transferred from the bus driver to me. It used to be that I just flashed my NCSU Campus Card at the bus driver and s/he pushed some button on the computer attached to … Read more

Buscapades and NCSU’s MS in Tech Comm Program Orientation…

~Monday~  The girl in the seat in front of me on the bus this morning did one of those Johari Window’s second quadrant (“blind spot”) things. That’s the quadrant that contains the things you don’t know, but that others do. What she didn’t know that I did know was that when she pulled up her … Read more