A petit Salon, investment in the black, a good workout, MJ: the ultimate collection, & bar-hopping..

~Friday~ Five-sixths of the Salon—Sarah, Kim, Anna, Brad (in order of appearance in the slideshow)— met at Helios from 11:00 until about 1:30, where we proceeded to have an impromptu petit Salon. Two Tweeters made an appearance at Helios while I was there, always a delight to see both—@hughlh and @abbyladybug. I got an email … Read more

Screaming Jacksons, NSO orientations, technology replacing humans, and a nap…

~Tuesday~ Someone pointed to this video in a tweet. I’d never seen it (or heard of it), but I love it. I tweeted this today: nematome: Confession: I’m waiting to buy some MJ music until after they stop reporting the number of sales of everything since his death. #dontknowwhy about 3 hours ago from web … Read more

Thoughtfulness credit, catching up my blog, mostly social book club, and some free pool…

~Sunday~ Someone got breakfast in bed this morning, but by the time I got upstairs with it, he had gotten up. He ended up eating it at the kitchen table, which was much more practical, and I still got credit for the thoughtfulness. WIN! [Hover over image for description] Ha! This entry on failblog.org reminded … Read more

A buscapade that continued off the bus, dinner with Hugh & Abby, and some time at Flex…

~Friday~ A cast of characters in today’s buscapade: A very attractive, very-well dressed lady sat on one of the center-facing priority seats for the elderly and disabled. She had on huge white beaded dangling earrings, a black nylon on her head covering all of her hair and pulled back tightly into a bun—wide and short like a … Read more

Buscapdes (including butt floss), tweets, lunch w/Susan, pills, a haircut, and dancing…

~Wednesday~ This morning’s buscapde includes a hurried threesome, a Marlon Brando lookalike, and some butt floss. The bus was running early today, and at one stop, three ladies boarded: the first one I’m quite sure walked like a duck, talked like a duck, and slept with other female ducks—I know she dressed like a duck the … Read more

Anna Karenina renewal #2, 30threads.com entry, pastcapades, an ambivalent work day, & an early PM…

~Tuesday~ A couple of items from yesterday that I wanted to capture: Anna Karenina was due. I was unable to renew it online, so I called the library. The conversation went like this: Library: “Hello, this is Jane Doe with the Cameron Village Library.” [Wish I’d’ve caught her name.] Me: “Hello, Jane, this is John … Read more

A CARcapade! A cake in the closet, swearing on a book of fiction, and checking in at home…

~Thursday~ Carcapade: This morning I drove to work, because I needed my car to run an errand during lunch. At 8:50, I parked in a two-hour parking spot, knowing full well I wouldn’t be back to my car for close to three hours. I was relying on two things—one sensible, the other nonsense—to get me … Read more

A bus RIDDLE, a buscapade DISSECTED, good work day, dinner & dancing with Robert…

~Wednesday~ Today’s buscapade is a riddle! You’re driving your car to work in the pouring rain when you see three people on the side of the road at an uncovered bus stop. You recognize one as your best friend waiting to go to work, the second is your perfect lover, someone that if you met … Read more