An electric bug zapper horn, a dominatrixy Asian, and a festive dance night…

~Wednesday~  I was actually ready early this morning, and rather than driving to a nearby Wolfline stop, I killed some time by slicing up a cantaloupe I bought yesterday and emptying my dishwasher. After all that, I almost missed the bus. It pulled up when I was still crossing the street to get to the … Read more

A pampered clarinet, a staying brutal passenger, and a customer service rant…

~Tuesday~  I packaged my clarinet in its case, which fit perfectly into my empty Pampered Chef deviled egg server box. The length was exact, and I stuffed plastic grocery bags down the two-to-three inch column on either side of its width. I caught the Wolfline #9 Greek Village bus at Gorman and Avent Ferry, where … Read more

Eating on my mind, wet things on my buns, butter-soaked corn and I don’t care…

~Thursday~ I caught the Wolfline bus at the Avent Ferry and Gorman stop again this morning, and the ride was uneventful. I attended our weekly 1.5-hour Google Implementation Team meeting in the Avent Ferry Technology Center, to which I rode courtesy of my colleague and friend, Sarah. I spent most of the time in the … Read more

Another banana on the bus, wanting to tap your audience, a dancing dinner for Van, & fun dancing…

~Wednesday~  I was ready between city buses, so I drove up to Avent Ferry and Gorman to catch a university bus. I caught the Wolfline #9 Greek Village, on which once again, a hot guy thought it would be a good idea to sit holding a banana between his legs. Way distracting. I had no … Read more

A microbial neck sprain, loitering at the gym, and turning laundry a social event…

~Tuesday~  I stepped outside at 8:20 with every intention of hopping in my car and driving over to the Wolfline stop, but decided to take a chance that the city bus was destined to arrive at its mode, 8:22. Not that the concepts of “bus” and “destiny” should ever be conflated. The bus arrived at … Read more

A cranky cranky morning, arrogance on the bus, a new razor AND blade, and tossing my salad…

~Monday~  I woke up not feeling at all like going to work. I thought of a reference made in a Facebook status update by my friend Hugh yesterday: Two things were contributing to my malaise this morning: My left eyelid was totally swollen and itchy. I smeared some Bacitracin on it, and spent the whole … Read more

The perfect temperature, the earth moves under my feet, and a non-alcohol SIGDOC meeting…

~Tuesday~ I was ready early this morning, so I killed a little time before going to the bus stop by installing Open Office on my home desktop computer, and collecting the trash around the house in anticipation of this week’s collection. It was the perfect temperature out this morning. I arrived at the city bus … Read more

My day in court…

~Monday~ I was up at 7:00, and in a rare occurrence, I caught the 7:45 city bus, and in a further rare occurrence, I took the bus all the way downtown. As luck would have it, Hot Mess Driver was at the helm today, but to her credit the air was on and the temperature … Read more