Prudie’s ripping, presenting@STC’s open mic, some Helios time, and dancing…

Prudie, doing what she does best—ripping somebody a new asshole. Today, “E.T.’s Mom” is the proud owner of a fresh anus. Dear Prudence, I am a 50-year-old mother of three beautiful boys. However, I am having a problem with the oldest son, “John,” who is a senior in college a few hours from home. Recently, John … Read more

Rerouted buses, a lecture, some charity, a haircut, free pool, and a drag show…

Today, which seemed rather arbitrary, the bus turned left on Hillsborough Street where it never had before, totally bypassing my stop. Right before this happened, I heard the bus driver saying something to someone, which I couldn’t understand, but I saw her pointing ahead. This made me suspicious enough to go ahead and get off … Read more

Being a friend, aging celebs, work stuff, and a fun night of dancing…

It’s been a while since and indexed blog entry has really struck me. Today’s did: Thank You for Being a Friend I’ve received this from a couple of different places now, so I imagine “it’s going around the Internet.” Aging celebs: Arnold Schwarzenegger Clint Eastwood Richard Gere Pierce Brosnan Rod Stewart Roger Moore Russell Crowe … Read more

No fauna, no seatbelt, some smiles at the post office, thermostat drama, & dinner@the Borough…

At the bus stop today—after an earlier morning rain—I thought there’d surely be fauna about the wet ground. Nada. Yesterday neither. I guess the show on Monday was special entertainment just for me. Thanks, universe. Just before my departing stop today, the road was very bumpy, and I noticed the bus driver’s seat just a-bouncing … Read more

A hot flash, a storage gem, an aft ice cream cone, meeting with Nathan, & prepping for Disney…

Staying just this side of TMI, what goes in must come out. A trip to the porcelain god in the middle of the night reminded me of yesterday’s intake: Hot and Spicy Chicken for lunch For dinner, a Taco Bell Chicken Ranch salad with two packets of their “Hot” and two packets of their “Fire” … Read more

Bus stops, a gown that shouldn’t be white, an obit to die for, and a star singer…

I was in the office today from 1:00 until 10:30, and I got an absolute ton of work done. Yay! Someone tweeted a pointer to this article: 15 Unusual and Creative Bus Stops. Being the veteran bus rider of over six months that I now am, it of course caught my attention. Click on the above … Read more

Working, the mystery blazer, 3rd period of “the” game, cheap coffee, and a fun night of dancing…

John was a dull boy today. I worked for about seven hours, but at least it was work that I like, and the time just flew by. At times, I was in what Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi would called “flow.” Since not too much happened today, I’m going to take advantage of this cyber real estate, and … Read more

Fat punishment, a couple of buscapdes, Twitter in IT communications, and a long, long nap…

The updated State Employees Health Plan has been announced, and as is a surprise to no one, everything is more expensive for the next fiscal year—higher premiums, higher co-pays, and less coverage. With that said, there was one announcement that I’m quite ambivalent about: “Starting in 2011, you will be penalized for being the fat … Read more