A plethora of buscapades, smiling more, dad’s b-day, work, and a volunteer stint serving students..

A rush of buscapades this morning: This is the first time, since I’ve been riding the bus for seven months, that another person at my stop in the morning was smoking a cigarette while waiting for the bus. I stood about 20 feet from him. Just as the bus pulled away from my stop, two … Read more

Still tedious, some fun pics and vids, and a great dancing night…

I had two meetings canceled at work today, which left me with none. Sweet! I worked all day on finishing up those tedious meeting minutes I was working on yesterday. Still tedious. Someone tweeted a link to this today: And a major FAIL on failblog.org: And, finally, this in from Kirk who told us about … Read more

Two meetings, two books, dual monitors, and four explosive traits…

I caught the 7:55 bus today instead of the 8:25. I was surprised to find my office door locked, as Rhonda is always in before me. Turned out she was on vacation today. I spent some time this morning preparing for a 1:00 meeting with Dana from the Operations team. I took the city bus … Read more

Contributing, a Wise man, and today’s buscapade (a.k.a. WWHD?)…

I was up and at ’em early this morning as I needed to get into work early enough to write-up my status report to give at my 10:00 meeting. There wasn’t a morning buscapade, but there was one on the way home. Read on. We had our monthly staff meeting at my second-level manager’s level … Read more