Lunch for breakfast, intelligence has a threshold, the gift of a friend, & concerted cultivation…

~Monday~ I slept until around 10:00 this morning, and then did something very, very unusual: I skipped breakfast and started my day with lunch. Perhaps in honor of our nation’s birthday, I had two (of those leftover) grilled hot dogs for breakfast, and I got my caffeine from a Diet Coke instead of coffee. I … Read more

Pre-Father’s Day secrets, food-centered gathering eating strategies, a cat-lover, and Adele…

~Sunday~ I slept in again this morning, and my first glance at this week’s PostSecrets startled me as I didn’t read the title and since they were all about fathers, I panicked, “I thought Father’s Day was next Sunday!” It may be shallow, but it’s honest. Of this week’s collection, this one resonated the most … Read more

Sleeping in, crying to the cable company, and hitting up the holy trinity…

~Saturday~  I slept in this morning. Oh glorious weekend. I devised my blog entry from yesterday, which included the blow-by-blow of my Time-Warner Cable high speed modem upgrade customer service fiasco, and afterward I cut and pasted all of it into a feedback form on their website. Later in the day I received this response … Read more

Marked up letters from mommy, commando chafing, more touching on the bus, and tag you’re it…

~Thursday~ I had a 10:30 meeting in the Avent Ferry Technology Center (AFTC) across from Mission Valley and instead of going to work over on Hillsborough Street and then catching a ride over there with colleagues, I decided just to head over there from home and work there until my meeting. I drove to the … Read more

A busy workday, an aborted Kindle return, seeing Ann, loud phone talkers, & finishing Bossypants…

~Thursday~ My throat was sore when I woke up this morning, and I harked up gobs of unmentionable goo. Mark that one up to over-sharing first thing in the morning. I was at the bus stop at 8:10, way too early for the the 8:15 bus, but I had my Kindle with me and used … Read more

Google as a yenta tool, Jasmine speaks Spanish, found pills, Suzanne’s mom passes, and dancing…

~Wednesday~  I woke up not feeling at all well this morning. I had sniffles (perhaps a “summer cold” coming on, as they like to say “down here”), and I had an upset stomach. I arrived at the bus stop at 7:19, which was starting to push it for the 7:15 bus, but it didn’t arrive … Read more

An important voice mail message, possessive doctors, & all work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy

~Tuesday~  I caught an earlier-than-usual bus in this morning, and so did Logorrhea. What luck. She looked an absolute wreck this morning and was not in uniform. Several of the university dining venues close for the summer, so she was probably either not working today or heading to another no-uniform-required summer job. She was on … Read more

A psycho-sexual non-erotic dream, identifiable anonymity, Chicago doings, and Bossypants…

~Monday~  OMG. I woke up from what was unequivocally the most bizarre dream of my entire life-to-date. And I’ve had a lot of dreams at my ripe old age. It was an intense, psycho-sexual, but completely non-erotic—except for one scene at the very beginning before I realized what was going on—dream of epic proportions. As … Read more

An ethnic breakfast, annoying PostSecret puzzles, Muslim Globe Trotters, & more book club milestones

~Sunday~  I was up at around 9:30 this morning, and I celebrated my ethnicity by making a chourico and cheese omelet. I “food-processed” about ten chourico hot dogs, some of which I put in the omelet, and the rest of which I’ll add to a dip I’m going to make. For the first time ever, … Read more

Tina Fey & Paula Poundstone, a thoughtful BBQ plate, & praying for free WiFi in Hell…

~Friday~  I read a little bit of Bossypants on the Kindle at the boss stop, and yes, laughed out loud a couple of times like a loony bin. For some weird reason, whenever I picture the author saying these funny things, it occurs to me right after it that I’ve pictured Paula Poundstone as opposed … Read more