Still sick, Uncle Frank’s card & letter, Steve@Flex…

What are people thinking? From a sentiment posted to an obituary today: I’m so sorry to hear of you’r loss. Huh? Whose loss would that be exactly? What missing letter(s) is the apostrophe representing? I got a good night’s sleep, though I did wake up once or twice absolutely soaked and stuck to my sheets … Read more

Exercising, free bagels, grammar guerrillas, Robert’s home, affirmations from Sarah…

Well one out of two ain’t bad—I was bushy-tailed this morning (can’t help it, really), but I wasn’t bright-eyed. Nonetheless, I did get to the gym at just after 7:00, and it was a cardio-only day for me. In anticipation of Robert’s arrival this afternoon from NYC and having seen Wicked, while I worked out, … Read more

Working@Home & Helios, a weight blip—finally, exercising, and reading…

Who schedules an 8:00 meeting on a Monday morning? Unfortunately I didn’t look at my work calendar all weekend to remind myself of said meeting, so when I logged in at 9:00, my usual start time, the meeting was pretty much finishing up. Oh well. I’ve talked here before about what a crap shoot buying … Read more

Worked from home, Grandma Grammar, Stuart Smiley moments, and a Durham Bulls game…

I was up early this morning, logged into work by 7AM. In my inbox, was an e-mail from my manager’s manager’s manager with the subject line: Sad News. And within the body of the short e-mail, this line: “[Employee’s name] fell ill suddenly yesterday, was transported to the hospital, but unfortunately did not survive.” That … Read more

Raleigh Typhoon 2—Typhoon Tweeple Team

Oh. my. god. We had the greatest day today—such incredible, incredible fun running all around Raleigh (sometimes literally), with a great group of folks, learning tons about the city, and trying establishments (including a lot of bars!) that I would never have otherwise ever ventured into. We had a team participating in Raleigh Typhoon 2, … Read more