Final package, coffee with a “new” friend, graduation affirmations, and Van’s 50th…

I got the final package that I needed to send in the mail today, and it was small enough to mail first class—meaning it will arrive by Tuesday. Life is good. I met Nacia (bluglass) at Helios today at 1:00, and we had great conversation over a caramella, a latte, and some humus and pita … Read more

A lazy Saturday… and I totally deserve it…

Oh glorious sleep! I had a totally lazy day today, catching up my blog entries from Thursday and Friday, and running a couple of loads through the dishwasher to incrementally clean up from the party. We only had five dancers tonight, including Rick, Herman, Carl, Michael, and myself. Herman only knows a couple of dances, … Read more

Homework, class, and dancing…

I worked on my final paper for Rhetoric of Science and Technology today, and was pleasantly surprised by how it progressed. Before I knew it, it was 4:30, and time to shower and head to class. Our penultimate Rhetoric of Science and Technology class was good tonight. Both Andrews presented, as well as Lindsay and … Read more

Food fun, class presentation with Jason, and pleasantries at Helios…

Sometimes, okay most times, it’s all about the food. Two food-related things I forgot to mention yesterday: First, I got way too excited posting this response to a question on buzzcubnc‘s blog: What’s your favorite flavor ice cream and how do you like to eat it? My favorite ice creams are 1) Butter Pecan, 2) … Read more

Action items; more affirmations; Plot for $100, Alex; and tragedy at Flex…

In anticipation of finally graduating in December, I have created an “After Graduation To-Do List,” which I intend to attend to in 2008, while I’m still working only three days a week, but out of school. So far, I have 24 items on it. I spent the afternoon at Helios, where, as usual, it was … Read more

Top 30, affirmations in general, specific affirmations, and card players at Helios…

An IBM colleague of mine instant messaged me today to tell me that, being inspired by my submissions, he submitted a entry himself—and got published!  It’s a good one, especially with Thanksgiving on our heels. It’s called Pay No Attention to the Backhoe Outside. During the short conversation, he also congratulated me for making … Read more

Lab work, a fellow New Englander, a fun class, a funner time @ Helios, and dancing…

I had my lab work done this morning—in anticipation of my physical which is a week from today, for which all of my lab results will be available. After fingering the crook of my arm for a minute or more, I said to the phlebotomist, “Don’t see anything you like?” She smiled. “This one right … Read more