What’s a blog, HardLox hard knocks, breakfast at Green Sage, blog catch-up, & two affirmations…

~Sunday~  Before checking out, I checked my e-mail and Facebook. I saw on Facebook where my friend Kathleen had been to see Tosca, and we had this “conversation” about it, which resulted in an affirmation: This morning, I put on my: and in the elevator of the downtown Asheville Marriott Renaissance Hotel on the way … Read more

08-08-08/09-09-09/10-10-10 siblings, an all-day event of “Turning Older,” and GLEEful dancing…

~Wednesday~  I arrived at the bus stop at 7:48, and it hadn’t come by 8:00, so I drove down the street to catch the Wolfline #9 Greek Village bus at Kaplan and Gorman. In that short drive, I heard on a morning radio show that a couple just had their third baby on 10-10-10. What … Read more

Fun with anesthesia patients, an affirmed presentation, and the regional premier of Breadcrumbs…

~Thursday~  Joe picked me up at 7:00 this morning and took me to his doctor’s office, where I was to have a “Fun-with-people-coming-out-of-anesthesia Day.” The waiting room had free wi-fi in it, so I actually got some work done, mostly [still] refining my presentation for 1:00 today. Several people—around four of them—came in after Joe, … Read more

A broken-looking wing, a light bill that NEEDS to be paid (by someone else), & not so gleeful…

~Tuesday~  As I was walking up to the city bus stop, a student (at least he was young and wore a backpack) walked past me, presumably walking down to the Wolfline stop at Gorman and Kaplan. I had to resist saying, “Excuse me. Are you a student? ‘Cause if you are, you can just catch … Read more

Hoarding juice and other foodstuffs, clean and sober comets, Jude thank-yous, & an in-out night…

~Friday~  I caught the 7:45 city bus, and the weather was beautiful out. Since it was Driver Appreciation Day of Try Transit Week, I said, “Thank you for driving,” to the driver as I boarded. “Oh you’re welcome,” she replied. I wasn’t hot this morning and didn’t find it so on the bus, but as … Read more

A smothered bus fare machine, Stand (or Lean) On Me & a poignant retirement gathering for my boss…

~Thursday~  It was slightly rainy this morning, but I had my umbrella, although it was a little hard to manage with laptop bag, soft-sided briefcase, and two rolls of wrapping paper—which I forgot to take to work last night when Casey and I dropped by there with the other party stuff—in my hand. Today’s “theme” … Read more

“Excuse me. I’m going to do some flogging, and I don’t want to accidentally hurt you…”

~Friday~  I wanted to catch the Wolfline bus in this morning in order to check out the parking situation on Gorman Street up by Avent Ferry now that the resurfacing project seems to be finished. Though there aren’t any “No Parking” signs in the area where you used to be able to street park all … Read more

Avoiding the S-word, a freakin awesome affirmation, TMI pictures, and a Plastics Anonymous party…

~Wednesday~  I walked up to the bus stop at 8:19 and the bus arrived at 8:20. I love it when that happens. When I boarded there was a city bus newbie, who was asking the bus driver at which stop he should get off in order to catch a connector to somewhere. I walked around … Read more

The buscapde log book in question, boo runs to the bus, some explicit affirmations, & a workout…

~Monday~  I caught the 7:45 city bus, and once on it, I sent an instant message from my BlackBerry to my officemate—who is in the process of becoming my boss—asking her what time a meeting was that she was attending today, as she wanted some input from me for it. I thought it was at … Read more

Stagnant Driver named, a near trunk full of bus, unsolicited workout advice, & Glee…

~Tuesday~  Hooray for today, as the university fall Wolfline schedule went into effect, which means four times more buses running about three times more often than over the summer. With that said, I didn’t take a Wolfline bus into work this morning. I was rushed, however, to get to the city bus stop by 8:15, … Read more