Dreams of Barack, floss manufacturing, blog affirmation, games & learning, $$$, and dancing…

Someone on Twitter pointed out this website today: Dreams of Barack. I like the concept. I, myself, have not had a Barack dream yet. Is dental floss made in the U.S. at all? I have three rolls currently at my house: one made in China, one made in England, and the other one made in … Read more

A rainy wait, a team meeting, some professional affirmations, poignant radio, pills, and dancing…

Today was one of the very few days since I started riding the bus to work on September 15, 2008, that I had to wait for it in the rain. I started my work day with a (choose your term) staff | department | team meeting. They tend to be called staff meetings here, though … Read more

He got a funeral to go to, another wrongful death, seeing red, and some twisted dancing…

POST-ELECTION MORNING BUSTLE As expected, it was a festive bus ride in this morning. However, it was not without its one element of negativity expressed by this lady’s comment amidst the jubilation: “People say he happy. He ain’t happy. He got a funeral to go to before he go to the White House.” Here’s an … Read more

LingoLook, class, fake babies, Nathan met me, and 120 Minutes…

An on-time, uneventful bus ride in this morning. I did think, as I was listening to music on my iTouch, that I should be using this transit time to learn Chinese, which reminded me of a podcast called LingoLook China, which someone in our delegation had purchased. This morning, I had a 9:00 class in … Read more

Purchased another LJ account, brought Nathan my money, and got a haircut…

I listened to my my music on my new iPod Touch on the bus today, so missed out on any potential shenanigans, though visually, there didn’t appear to be any. Rhonda, my officemate, brought in some rum cake today for some occasion going on downstairs—what occasion exactly, I don’t know. What I do know is that the … Read more

The fagbus, an aborted doctor’s run, a stock market debacle, out-of-the-market $$$…

I caught the 8:25 bus this morning, and it was uneventful other than the fact that it wasn’t one of the regular buses used in the fleet. There were a lot fewer seats, as they weren’t facing the front of the bus, like the regular bus that is used. Instead, there was just seating along … Read more

Financially Independent vs. Independently Wealthy

Recently I announced my imminent departure from IBM noting that I was embracing the “independent” part of being “financially independent.” To that end, I received a host of very heart-warming e-mail notes and discussion forum postings. One such e-mail posed this question in it: “Does ‘financially independent,’ come anywhere close to ‘independently wealthy’?” Interesting question, … Read more

Consider yourself notified and “speed dating” for your technical communication career…

I had such a great, affirming day today. I had a meeting scheduled, whose subject was “Quick Task Prioritization Meeting,” with my manager for 4:15. At 2:45, she instant messaged me that her 2:00 meeting had ended early, and asked if I wanted to go ahead and have ours then. I gave her my two weeks … Read more

A chat with a trainer, and a foo-foo catered seminar…

I worked from home this morning. I was expecting a call from a personal trainer (as part of IBM’s free Lifeworks program) at 10:00, but she called at 11:00. Turns out she was on central time. We had a great chat about my current workout situation. She said that while the 300 crunches I’ve been doing—particularly … Read more