On remembering being met…

~Tuesday~  Late this afternoon, I met with my financial advisor to check on my “stash” in advance of the presumably imminent, so-called “fiscal cliff.” I’ve been meeting with Nathan for over 12 years now, and although he certainly knows more about me than I know about him—If he didn’t, how could he advise me financially?—I … Read more

Love me some Borough…

~Thursday~ I charge everything that I possibly can on one credit card, one on which I get reward points, and I pay it off monthly. The last time I took a snapshot, my average monthly bill was around $1500 a month: Recently, I received my “2011 Annual Summary” of my credit card charges, which is … Read more

My Mac arrives, bumper sticker slapdown, root canal averted, finacial advising, & coffee with Joe…

~Tuesday~ I was grateful to be able to work from home today, as I could just roll out of bed at 9:00 and start working. That came in very andy after getting to bed at 4:15 last night. At around noontime, my doorbell rang, and by the time I put on some pants and a … Read more

Perfectly 69, banana pudding to die for, smelling the roses, average bills, and airline up-sells…

~Tuesday~  I had a good eating week this week, and I appreciated that my scale agreed with me on that this morning. Progress. Since I’d made my breakfast and lunch sandwiches last night, and my coffee pot was set to automatically start brewing my coffee at 8:00, I was essentially ready to go when I … Read more

She works hard for her money, leg-rubbing intimacy, lunch w/Myra & Sarah, & wrong major humor…

~Wednesday~  I drove into work this morning and parked in some 2-hour curbside parking near my office. I parked at 8:40 and promptly set my phone alarm clock to 10:30 to get out there and move it by 10:40. I happened to look at the time at 10:44 and found my alarm set to 10:30 … Read more

Impeccably painted nails, a salacious goody trail, the check was in the mail, and Cinco de Drinco…

~Thursday~  I parked at the Avent Ferry Park & Ride and caught the 8:00 Wolfline #9 Greek Village bus. You can tell it’s exam week at the university as a bunch of kids were studying on the bus, which reminded me that I need to check the university bus schedule to see when they switch … Read more

A regular stop button, a delightful lunch, a decent meeting, cutting ties, and proud of my cousin…

~Monday~  I parked along Gorman near Avent Ferry, where both the Wolfline #9 and #9a buses were heading inbound, and then another (outbound) #9 pulled by, so I crossed Avent Ferry Road assuming the #1 Avent Ferry would come next. It did. An older guy—and by older I mean older than your average student, not … Read more

Working from home, 2 beneficiaries assigned, a Charlotte flight, $64 Bloody Marys, & Key West bound

~Wednesday~  I worked at home today from 6AM until 3PM. I took an hour lunch break, during which I rode out to my financial advisor’s to sign beneficiaries for a couple of my investment accounts. If my plane goes down traveling to or from Key West, I know three people who will be glad I … Read more

Bus slippers, building appreciation, tax diversification & retail therapy, and my drag king friend!

~Thursday~  I checked my work e-mail on my phone while still in my bed. I had a request from my boss’s boss for a copy of some notes from a meeting last week that he wanted to look through before a 10:45 meeting of ours today. I caught the Wolfline #9a GV Tripper to DH … Read more