Buscapades, an odoriferous day, a weight milestone, 16 & pregnant, and a workout…

~Tuesday~  There were two peeps at my bus stop again this morning, once again an African-American couple, but not the same couple as yesterday. No pictures—portrait or landscape orientation—were taken. They both boarded before me and both said, “Day passes, please,” which is a requirement before putting your $2.00 in the fare machine so the … Read more

A morning haiku, being loved a hole punch, fatter lean meat, and finding a possible nude model…

~Saturday~  Although it had stopped snowing by morning, its remnants were all about. With my morning coffee in hand, I opened the blinds on the windows facing my back deck, to a scene that prompted me to write this haiku: No sound on my deck. Is that the white noise of snow? Beautiful morning. While … Read more

Buscapades, full day’s work, Coffee Klatsch Thursday, Bubba@the gym, and my aunt passes…

~Thursday~  There was a stranger at my bus stop this morning. It’s been months and months since anyone has gotten on the city bus with me in the morning, but as I came in view of the stop, there was one today. He had on an Old Navy pullover fleece-type shirt of which I have … Read more

A non-kneeling bus, seeing liver, 1 in 10, HE wins, class, a workout, & dancing…

~Wednesday~  I was at the bus stop a few minutes early, which did not bode well with the combination of cold temperatures this morning and the lateness of the bus. It got to the point where I looked around for a very wide tree that I might stand aside in such a way that it … Read more

New plumbing, an affirmation given, a workout, and Salon VII…

~Monday~  Gerald Sydnor, my plumber, arrived at about 9:20, and he spent a good three-and-a-half hours here replacing: my kitchen sink faucet, my garbage disposal, my master bathroom sink faucet, and my master bathroom shower head. I actually didn’t have the garbage disposal or the shower arm/head, so I ran to Lowe’s to buy them … Read more

Too many cards up in here, the new year nerd trifecta, class, & a workout encounter…

~Monday~  It was 16° out this morning, and I waited for the bus with my long pants, a sweatshirt, my ski jacket, and gloves on. Fortunately, the wind was hardly blowing at all, so it was not as cold as it might have been with an additional wind chill factored in. Before I could swipe … Read more

A bus ride in the dark, existential sunrise thoughts, disappearing idling cars, a workout, & dancing

~Wednesday~  I caught the 6:45 city bus this morning, so not surprisingly none of my characters were on board. It was still dark out at that time, and it’s another cold day here, so most people had on lots of clothing. Two people, whom I think were both men (well, college boys), both got off … Read more