Buscapades, an odoriferous day, a weight milestone, 16 & pregnant, and a workout…

~Tuesday~  There were two peeps at my bus stop again this morning, once again an African-American couple, but not the same couple as yesterday. No pictures—portrait or landscape orientation—were taken. They both boarded before me and both said, “Day passes, please,” which is a requirement before putting your $2.00 in the fare machine so the … Read more

Buscapades, full day’s work, Coffee Klatsch Thursday, Bubba@the gym, and my aunt passes…

~Thursday~  There was a stranger at my bus stop this morning. It’s been months and months since anyone has gotten on the city bus with me in the morning, but as I came in view of the stop, there was one today. He had on an Old Navy pullover fleece-type shirt of which I have … Read more

A cigarette saver, positive IDs, a learning lunch, a meeting outburst, and some reading…

~Thursday~  I was back to my regular schedule this morning, catching the 8:15 bus, and I still didn’t notice any of my named characters aboard. This is crazy! At the next stop, a lady got on whom I’ve talked about in the past, but whom I haven’t yet named. Until now. Cigarette Saver is usually … Read more

Mr. Wiggles; identical twins; hoop earrings & wires; Sadlacks; & dancing…

~Wednesday~  The bus this morning brought us Madonna and Genetically-Beautiful Daughter in the front of the long center-facing seat on the right side of the bus, and passing them to choose my seat, I heard Sophia ask her mother, “But what about Mr. Wiggles?” Approaching the second or third stop after mine, I saw a hot—but … Read more

A generic bus, Cosmo boy appearance, advanced Facebook, a workout, and reading…

~Tuesday~  Shortly after I arrived at the bus stop this morning, I heard what sounded and somewhat looked like a bus pull up to the intersection before my stop. I say “somewhat” looked like a bus, because from what I could see of it from that intersection, which was essentially only the front half of … Read more

Buscapades, book due date, ASB, criminals, and gastronomical obscenities…

~Monday~  Another predictable buscapade: Sci-Fi Fantasy Man read science fiction; Grumpy Boy didn’t smile, but clothing of note included long pants that I knew were hanging low even though he was sitting down, because they gathered in the area of his ankles; and the bus driver blew the horn while passing the Section 8 housing. … Read more

Grumpy Boy, My 3 Sons, Judge Judy overpaid, cell phone usage, a flu shot, and dancing…

~Wednesday~  On the bus this morning, a man sitting in the seat formerly known as Swapping Dollar‘s had on a ball cap and a Carolina Panthers jersey. He kept a filtered cigarette that was burned down to about a half-an-inch of it left, unlit in his mouth the entire ride. It reminded me of a … Read more

Arguing Man, Michelin-Man Woman, Grumpy Boy & Li’l Dino, and voting…

~Tuesday~  Taking a bus seat in the morning, a quick scan of the back spotted Arguing Man. To quote a by-now infamous shirt, “He didn’t seem himself today; I noticed the improvement immediately.” All that is to say, he wasn’t arguing with anyone at the moment, which was bonus as he was sitting alone. I … Read more

Buscapades, a delicious lunch, drinks w/colleagues, Rigoletto w/Mary (MIND MAP ALERT), 1st Fri@Flex

~Friday~  Of all the city bus drivers I’ve had over the year I’ve been riding today’s is about the best. It was with all of that enthusiasm that I made a note of the e-mail address with which to nominate a driver for “Driver of the Week.” Madonna and Genetically-Beautiful Daughter (a.k.a. Sophia now) were … Read more

Cell Phone Lady, Paris, & Sci-Fi Fantasy Man, meetings, tweets, dinner, and reading…

~Tuesday~  I was on the bus a half-hour earlier this morning, so on the 7:45 instead of the 8:15. There was only one other person on when I got on and that was Sci-Fi Fantasy Man. A couple of stops later, Cell Phone Lady got on, but without being on the phone, and without getting … Read more