Some IM chats, STC board meeting, dinner @ Sylvia’s, class, Helios, and (what I THOUGHT) was Karaoke

At 8:48, I tumbled outta bed, stumbled to the kitchen, poured myself a cup of ambition, and generally yawned and stretched and just tried to come to life. How original. I worked from home today, and had an interesting instant message chat with Mary Mahoney in Austin; I like her. Later in the day, I … Read more

Sweet breakfast service, a nice walk and lunch, a stop at work, the L-Word, and drag…

Robert brought me coffee in bed, and then he made me breakfast. Love that man. So sweet. I met E-Ching and David at just after 12:30, and we made the two-mile walk from their house to K&W at Cameron Village. We entered the Disneyworld-like line that consisted, undoubtedly, of churchgoers coming, but with all the … Read more

Affirmations, Lynne Cook’s presentation, class, Helios, and some phenomenal singing…

I forgot to mention a couple of things that I wanted to capture from yesterday, but that entry was long enough anyway. I know, “Aren’t they all?” But you digress… The first thing was with regards to being an editor for a living and how it makes me crazy some times. I just can’t stop … Read more

Newsletter kudos, Loel Kim presentation and social, dinner with Joe, and ENG 675…

Today’s affirmations: I would like to congratulate you on the quality of the newsletter. It’s well done. Dr. Stan Dicks, Director of the M.S. in Technical Communication Yet another fun—and funny—newsletter. No clip art, no pictures of cats. Ahhh. Anonymous, Tech Comm friend I took the Wolfline to Tompkins, where I attended a presentation by … Read more

The Raleigh Hand Center (finally), a mortality check, newsletter rat race, and dancing…

Today’s affirmation from the mother of iwc41: I don’t have your snail mail address so I can’t write you immediately to tell you what a delight you are and to thank you for your gift. (If you will send address by return e-mail I will tell you in writing how much I appreciate it and … Read more

Overheards, eat me for dinner, Grammar Girl, STC board meeting…

These crack me up: Old lady: Do you have gift cards here? Employee: Yes, we do. Old lady: Can I get one for Best Buy? —Barnes & Noble, Whitestone, Queens Teen girl #1: He broke up with me on Facebook! Teen girl #2: Like, on your wall? Teen girl #1: No, he just … Read more