Rosa sat, bus irritants, picking up Stiff, canceling my land line service, and skipping the gym…

Someone on Twitter pointed to this video today. I love it. “Rosa sat, so Martin could walk Martin walked so Barack could run Barack ran so all our children could fly.” Today was not a good bus day. It started with the No. 12 Method Road bus arriving not with such indication on the L.E.D. sign … Read more

A rainy wait, a team meeting, some professional affirmations, poignant radio, pills, and dancing…

Today was one of the very few days since I started riding the bus to work on September 15, 2008, that I had to wait for it in the rain. I started my work day with a (choose your term) staff | department | team meeting. They tend to be called staff meetings here, though … Read more

My president, too; complicated coffee orders; smoking toddlers; and more!

A couple of tidbits from the bus rides today: Two adults were talking to each other in the back, and one asked the other, “So are you happy with your president?” to which a little child traveling with them interjected before the other could answer, “He’s my president, too!” On Hillsborough Street, across the front lawn … Read more

Go or no?, icicles**2, your pimp name, chow mien, and dancing…

I was pointed to an article about changing careers by someone’s tweet today, and this was an interesting point made by a reader commenting on the advice of the career advisor who wrote the article: When colleagues get restless and ask me the if they should stay or go, I always ask the question, “Are you … Read more

Bus charity, an article pic of me, no badge, a famous subway performer, fun lunch, and the gym…

This was a first on the bus this morning: A guy using a cane—the metal kind with a rubber top on it for a handle and four forked prongs at the base for stability—boarded the bus and at the entrance by the ticket machine he faced the entire bus and said, “Does anyone have 50 cents to help … Read more

Bus observations, a stamp d’oh, some time with Kevin, and dinner w/Joe…

A woman got on the bus this morning on Gorman Street, on just the other side of Western Blvd, and I’m not saying that her boot heels were quite at the sharpness of stilettos, but she had cleanly pierced a leaf that had become an unflattering, unbeknowst to her, part of her outfit—not unlike some … Read more

Obama drama, some CAT bus training, overheard germs, work, and errands…

Nearly 300,000 people have applied for the approximately 7,000 available jobs in the Obama administration. ~ New York Daily News ~ With hotels in Washington, D.C. rapidly filling to capacity for Barack Obama’s January 20 inauguration, area college students have been renting out their dorm rooms for anywhere from $500 to $1,800 a night for … Read more