Slept, read, and spied on someone texting—all in the shortest entry ever…

~Saturday~  Oh boy, I wasted a perfectly lovely day by sleeping through it. The weather was beautiful, and I never even stepped outside to experience it. I read more of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, successfully reaching the day’s reading goal. Good stuff. I stopped in at Flex, late, at around 11:15 PM. I … Read more

Senior seats & coffee, D-Day@work, an intellectual boner, and an immortal life…

~Friday~  I parked on Gorman Street, crossed the street, and got on the Wolfline #9 Greek Village bus pulling up. The bus was sparse for a change, which was good, but we got behind a school bus, which wasn’t good, making it a slow ride in. Some might argue that ours is a school bus, … Read more

A scabby jeans pocket, critical thinkers gone missing, lunch w/Susan, & problematic dialogue…

~Tuesday~  I drove over to Gorman and Avent Ferry, and picked up the #9 Greek Village Wolfline bus at about 8:00. Once again, the bus filled up within the first two or three stops, which meant that soon thereafter there were rear ends about my face. I couldn’t help thinking that the back pocket (or … Read more

Manbites Dog’s 25th Anniversary Planning Gathering & Mostly Social Book Club…

~Sunday~  From 2:00-4:00 I attended, and documented, our Manbites Dog 25th Anniversary Planning Gathering, at the home of Michael Hayes and his wife Mig, in Durham. It was a very productive meeting of long-time supporters, new business neighbors (including TJ, the owner of Kings Sandwich Shop next door to the theater) and past and present … Read more

Ice Capades watched, willpower tested, kinky boots licked, and a new book emerges…

~Tuesday~ I got up late this morning, at 8:30, because it was a “work from home” day. It was a work from home day, because our office belongings—including our computers—were being moved for us from the second floor to the basement as noted in yesterday’s entry. But as it turned out, it was an adverse … Read more

A mode emerges, Black Love, a twofer shelter, a dismal view, and putting an end to The Help…

~Monday~  I arrived at the city bus stop at 8:15, and the bus arrived at 8:22. Not to get all back into frequency distribution and statistics, but I think 8:22 is starting to be a significant number. In the game of mean, median, mode, and range, 8:22 is clearly emerging as the mode. Who cares? … Read more

Back of neck kissing, lallygagging gym patrons, a brilliant ad campaign, working, and reading…

~Sunday~  I was up after eight hours of sleep and fixed a nice egg, sausage, and cheese sandwich on an English muffin, along with a pot of delicious Joe’s Coffee House Bourbon Pecan coffee. You know what’s coming next. It’s Sunday. I put on my country gospel CD, and read this week’s PostSecrets while enjoying … Read more

A lazy Saturday, an erroneous “black crises” warning, and not feeling it out…

~Saturday~  I had a lazy, lazy Saturday. After sleeping seven hours, I got up, had breakfast, played a little Scrabble and worked on Friday’s blog entry. Starting at about 1:00, I read a good chunk of The Help, of which I’m coming down the home stretch now, and after which I fell asleep for another couple … Read more

A useless frequency distribution, “Language!”, he knew Hugh, and lifting weights @ 11:00 at night…

~Wednesday~  Another non-rushed morning, hooray for that. I arrived at the city bus stop at 8:16, but waited across the street from the stop in the sun. It arrived at 8:22. Who’s counting? The bus was pretty empty and for some unknown reason, I decided to count the number of people who got on at … Read more

Tired served up, poetic progress, people like me, erections, compelling history, & an early night..

~Monday~  I woke up tired this morning, which is what five hours of sleep serves up. I have got to make a concerted effort this year to get to bed earlier, and to give myself more time to get ready in the morning so that I’m not so rushed. That was the downside of my … Read more