China’s a go, phone meeting w/Nathan, synchronicity, exercising and editing…

I worked from home today. OMG! The P2P delegation has gone from 10 to 20 people, virtually, overnight.  It’s a go! In a very weirdly coincidental incident, I grabbed my latest issue of AAA‘s Go magazine, which has been laying around in one of my “piles” for, I don’t know, probably a few weeks now, … Read more

A donation at work, lunch with Nacia, a meeting with Nathan, and a disappointing dinner…

Real Live Preacher (a.k.a. RLP)… remember him? He’s the preacher I mentioned making a donation to in December to help fund his trip to the Dominican Republic… the trip he had committed to, but then realized he didn’t have the $950.00 he needed to make his final payment… the one who asked for money, but … Read more

Mile-high club warning, living apart together, madman editor, class, finances, and homework…

Singapore Airlines has taken the unusual step of publicly asking passengers on its new Airbus A380 plane not to engage in any sexual activities. The potential problem has arisen because the first class area of its giant super jumbo contains 12 private suites complete with double beds.  The rest of the story… Who knew? There … Read more

Homework and dancing…

In our experience, people usually don’t fail to achieve their financial objectives due to one particular reason. Instead, a combination of things causes them to fall short. Here are some common financial-planning mistakes: Procrastination Not having an emergency fund Living day-to-day (that is, not having any defined goals) Not enough long-term investments for retirement purposes … Read more

Homework, some thank-you cards, some money in the mail, and conking out…

I spent way more of my day than I thought I would today doing homework for my Rhetoric of Science and Technology class. The articles we have to read are interesting for the most part, but often tedious to read, process, and then compare and contrast theories presented in each, which essentially is what we … Read more

A literal metaphor, a long-awaited trade, a convo with my bro, dinner out, and out to the clubs…

This passage, lifted from A Prayer for Owen Meany, is a perfect “literal metaphor” (an oxymoron?) for the emotions I was feeling about the screaming kids and their parents, on both my flight to and from Austin: The other thing preferable about the weekday services is that no one is there against his will. That’s another … Read more

Cheaper more expensive stamps, editing, a “flat” year financially, and some scareyoke…

Investment matters can be complex, and sometimes things aren’t exactly what they seem. Case in point: several weeks ago in this blog entry on finding out that stamps were going up and that they were now selling a “forever stamp,” I made this comment: “Now, this notion that these stamps will be good ‘forever,’ no … Read more

My teeth are so clean I can eat off them…

Two things: 1) Not sure why she has an apostrophe in “end’s,” so I removed it, and 2) don’t read this if you’re easily offended by religious sarcasm, parody, and satire. The totally irreverent Betty Bowers on Jerry Falwell’s death: All’s Well that Ends Falwell. This is so priceless (pun intended) to me: Dear Prudence, … Read more

MoneySmart and a very funny visit by Vivian…

Today’s entry: Early to bed, early to rise.  I was in the office at IBM at 7:45 this morning, avoiding the morning rush hour. Yay! I had a 30-minute “Counseling Session” with the MoneySmart people today. MoneySmart is a most excellent new program being provided by IBM free of charge. It’s described as follows: … Read more