Mr. Streetname, a mis-taken exercise sheet, a nice card, The Road, & disco night…

~Saturday~  I love starting my day off with a laugh, although it rarely happens as I’m not at all a morning person. Perhaps if I were more open to it, it would happen more often. My doorbell rang at 8:05 and when I opened the door, I found the guy here to do my quarterly … Read more

Characters trickle in, affirmations pour in, & tricks of the trade (genital hide-and-seek)…

~Friday~  This morning, I took the bus seat in front of Sci-Fi Fantasy Man who was, well, reading science fiction fantasy, as that’s what he does. I was just happy to see him. In addition to the standard, long bus rear view mirror, on this bus there was a little round mirror as well—about a … Read more

No more precincts, a Yeti clam, an open peoplehole, snipped hair, and the importance of hyphens…

~Tuesday~  Again this morning, none of my peeps were present on the bus. I’m beginning to wonder if they all got cars for Christmas. I took a seat in front of a man who was eating his breakfast in his seat. I immediately thought of the recording that plays as the bus turns from Hillsborough … Read more

Cramming on the bus, good news from IBMers, H1N1 vaccine, house-cleaning, and dancing…

~Wednesday~  Due to the nasty, nasty weather this morning—some wind and torrential rain, I drove over to the Wofline bus stop on Gorman, where I can sit in my car across from the stop until I see the bus coming, and which drops me off much closer to my building than the city bus. For … Read more

An alarming buscapde, affirmations schmaffirmations, a workout, cleaning house, late nite coffee run

~Tuesday~  The bus was running late this morning—almost five minutes past the time when it usually is the latest that it arrives. I put on my patience hat, which never has fit very well. Entering the bus, I was greeted by an ear-piercingly loud noise that continued the entire trip. I don’t know how the bus … Read more

Getting out of jail time off, x-ray results, petty petticoats, Scrabble fun, & holiday cards…

~Monday~  Wrong Way Willie was driving this morning, but he took the correct route today. I suppose he may never live down the fact that he took a wrong turn one day. I certainly can’t see myself dropping it. I’m going to go ahead and rename a character here, and I’ll mention both of her … Read more

Today’s buscapade, a holiday party, and a missed end-of-semester party…

~Friday~  I was back on the 8:15 city bus this morning, where I took a seat behind Library Man who was reading his trade magazine, ArcNews, and specifically, an article entitled, “Nine Innovations in ArcGIS 9.4.” Not that I was nosing over his shoulder or anything. At Li’l Dino‘s stop, she did not get on … Read more