Carcapades, t(w)(o)o expensive drinks, fun colleagues, soft pretzel calorie burning, and The Help…

~Friday~  I drove in to work this morning and parked in the Van Allen parking deck with one of the five daily parking permits I have left for 2010. I’ve mentioned here before that when you take public transportation to work at NC State, you get 12 parking permits each year to use as you … Read more

Insurance issues and the back of the bus, people lessons, there’s George, meeting Ogun, & TPPN…

~Thursday~  I caught the 8:15 city bus with Hello Outdoorsy Driver at the helm. Sitting in my vicinity was a white guy in a wheelchair, a black guy sleeping, and a black lady two seats in front of me with a serious updo. A little bit down the road, the wheelchair guy’s phone rang: “I’VE BEEN … Read more

A Sunday routine, window-shopping at the grocery store, book club, & the tortoise and the feline…

~Sunday~  I slept in long enough to get eight hours sleep. Yay for Sundays, and morning routines: Coffee with breakfast, country gospel music, and a gander through this week’s PostSecrets. At around 4:00, I took about a two-mile walk, over to the Food Lion and back. I didn’t buy anything while I was there; I … Read more

A halter on the bus, a LARGE PRINT book, the 65 questions Facebook meme, & Trailer Park Prize Night

~Thursday~ I caught the 7:45 city bus, and the boy who ran up late to the bus on Tuesday was already there and waiting this morning. The weather was beautiful outside, but the air on the inside was still. A lady sat up and to the left of me in a center-facing seat with a … Read more

All caught up with Glee, Mostly Social Book Club, and some short-lived insanity…

~Sunday~  I went to Jen’s at 1:00 for “Glee Club,” where we first reviewed the Wikipedia entries for the next three episodes picking up from where we left off last. The reason we only reviewed these instead of watching them was because I’d already seen them a while back, when I first watched the Laryngitis … Read more

A menopause check, a bowl for breakfast, reasons to blog, an MSBC book, and Brad’s book…

~Friday~  I walked up to the bus stop and onto the bus. Get out of my dreams, get into my car. It was the 8:15 bus, and a chubby white guy was driving, but there was no air circulating and it was somewhere between bake and broil in that Jenn-Air oven. I checked out two … Read more

Kevin departs, a couple of snap-snaps, a chancellor chalk talk, and Salon XIV…

~Monday~  Kevin ended up getting in closer to 4AM than 3AM, but he got up at 8AM to come downstairs to bid me adieu. At about 8:10, I said to Kevin, “I don’t want to get out there too early for the bus.” I went to my kitchen window and looked out saying, “I wonder … Read more

Faux temps, hyperbolic sunshine, finding a church on the bus, & dealt 2 cards—a Queen & a 3…

~Thursday~  At the bus stop, the weather felt crisp and I wondered what the temperature was. A quick check of The Weather Channel app on my CrackBerry indicated 59°, which I just couldn’t believe. “It can’t be that cold out here.” I checked’s weather page, and it said 67°, which seemed much more plausible. … Read more

Feels like it’s hot, a Man-Up Revival, a piece of cake, and Cup A Joe-ing my blog…

~Monday~  I caught the 8:15 city bus, which I waited for in the heat and humidity until 8:25. My BlackBerry app,  The Weather Channel, said that it was “81° out, but feels like 87°,” and I wanted to add, “And at a bus stop, with absolutely zero breeze, it really feels like 92°. And that … Read more

Buscapade digressions, marinators, & rulebreakers; NSO; Latte Friday; & a pharmacist doctor…

~Friday~  It wasn’t overly hot this morning, but I still waited on the shady side of the street. In contrast to the one or two people that have been on in the past couple of weeks, the bus actually had 8-10 people on it already when I boarded. Library Man was aboard, and since there … Read more