A buscaRpade, affirmations, an A buscaRpade, affirmations, an asthma-like attack, and dancing…

~Wednesday~  Since we’re being “sent home” (in a good, Thanksgiving, kind of way) today at 3:00, the Wolfline buses aren’t running, and the city bus wouldn’t depart until about 3:40, I decided to use one of my dozen or so free parking passes that you get as a sort of “thank you” for taking public … Read more

Buscapades and digitally-captured dialog all the day long…

~Tuesday~  While I waited for the bus this morning, a college student walked by walking his dachshund, which had the most interesting coloring. It looked like this little guy, except all gray and black even on the paws. What made it even more interesting to me, and made me audibly chuckle actually, was that the … Read more

A plethora of buscapades, a quartet of affirmations, and a smörgåsbord of religions to chose from…

~Monday~  The bus driver this morning was Wrong Way Willie—I just now named him although he earned his name two weeks ago. Madonna and Genetically-Beautiful Daughter got off at the stop after I got on, and Sophia’s hair was not tied up, which always makes her look precociously old, reminding me of Donna Summer’s hair … Read more

Bus timing, a mental health-conduct lunch & learn, 2 overheard convos, and a board meeting…

~Monday~  I took the Wolfline bus in today, arriving at the stop perfectly timed so as to walk right onto the bus as it pulled up. At a subsequent stop a young man using crutches got on and a nice polite boy sitting across from me actually offered the guy his seat. I attended a … Read more

A trip to Trader Joe’s, haircuts with bed-head, your sign of the time, & gypsies, tramps, & thieves

~Saturday~  An early morning e-mail check found this affirmation from Tierza, the other co-advisor for our Alternate Spring Break trip, who had finally seen the website that I put together for our group: The website is amazing … Jackie – you should send it out to other team leaders as an idea (if they have the … Read more

A tabula rasa bus, lunch w/Jude, Anna’s birthday & website affirmations, Kevin’s coming, & TPPN…

~Thursday~  I didn’t take any notes about my bus ride in and my mind is like a tabula rasa about it. I had lunch with Jude (my boss, who’s a woman, by the way—it’s short for Judith) at Laziz Biryani Corner, a place we both love. She “cashed in” her “Boss’s Day virtual gift card,” … Read more

Renewal, stealth blog readers from around the world, photo affirmations, dean meeting, and dancing..

~Wednesday~  Before leaving the house, I tried to renew my library book online, as I didn’t want to take it with me on the bus this morning if I didn’t have to take it over to the library during the day to return. I was shocked once again, but delighted once again, that I was … Read more

A generic bus, Cosmo boy appearance, advanced Facebook, a workout, and reading…

~Tuesday~  Shortly after I arrived at the bus stop this morning, I heard what sounded and somewhat looked like a bus pull up to the intersection before my stop. I say “somewhat” looked like a bus, because from what I could see of it from that intersection, which was essentially only the front half of … Read more

Dicks, the Seattle public library, dinner with Kathleen & James, and Cineoke…

~Monday~  I slept in until about 9:00. Kevin took Ricardo to a doctor’s appointment this morning, and when he returned, we headed downtown to see the Central Branch of the Seattle Public Library. We stopped at “Dick’s Drive-In,” which is a lot like the Char-Grills in Raleigh. We each ordered a “Dick’s Deluxe,” fries, and … Read more