A rally with no time to march, drinks & fun w/old new friends, and a night in…

~Sunday~  I slept in this morning. Exactly as one should on vacation. Glorious. Today’s National Coming Out Day and I tweeted this about it: “Today is National Coming Out Day. Closets are for clothes. Dare to live your authentic life. Doing so probably saved my life. #JustDoIt” Of course my Twitter feed goes to Facebook’s … Read more

Julia’s on Broadway, a mini-pub crawl, an amateur porn festival, and a scenic view of Seattle…

~Saturday~  We had planned to eat breakfast at The Maltby Cafe this morning, but had a change of plans rescheduling it for Tuesday morning. Kevin and I ate at Julia’s on Broadway instead. I had their Spicy Baja Omelet, and it was pretty damn good. Due to a calculation error, our waitress got about a 38% … Read more

Seattle vacation, planecapades, a walk in the gayborhood, dinner, and dancing…

~Friday~  A couple of years back, I changed my airline seat preference from window to aisle. So, looking at my seat assignment for this morning’s flight from Raleigh to Cincinnati, I was a little nonplussed to see, “17A.” Well, as it turned out, 17A was both a window and an aisle seat. It was one … Read more

Dorothy & Sophia, My Two Sons, work, a haircut, dinner out, and packing…

~Thursday~  When I got on the bus this morning, Madonna was brushing Genetically-Beautiful Daughter‘s genetically beautiful hair. I’m thinking about changing their name to Dorothy and Sophia so I can use the little girl’s real name. Anybody feel strongly about it one way or the other? As if to mock my naming him My Three … Read more

Grumpy Boy, My 3 Sons, Judge Judy overpaid, cell phone usage, a flu shot, and dancing…

~Wednesday~  On the bus this morning, a man sitting in the seat formerly known as Swapping Dollar‘s had on a ball cap and a Carolina Panthers jersey. He kept a filtered cigarette that was burned down to about a half-an-inch of it left, unlit in his mouth the entire ride. It reminded me of a … Read more

Arguing Man, Michelin-Man Woman, Grumpy Boy & Li’l Dino, and voting…

~Tuesday~  Taking a bus seat in the morning, a quick scan of the back spotted Arguing Man. To quote a by-now infamous shirt, “He didn’t seem himself today; I noticed the improvement immediately.” All that is to say, he wasn’t arguing with anyone at the moment, which was bonus as he was sitting alone. I … Read more

Fun time at the dentist (really!), price check on aisle 11, MBD BOD meeting minutes, & an office run

~Monday~  Sitting in the lobby of my dentist’s office, which it shares with what looks like another medical-type practice, it occurred to me that I’ve been coming here forever, and I have no idea what that business actually is. Once I was called back, I asked, “Can you tell how long I’ve been coming here?” … Read more

The Dog Olympics, a puzzle, an ex-neighbor visit, potpourri, and dancing…

~Saturday~  Robert arrived at around 10:30, and we headed downtown to see the Dog Olympics, which is “a charitable event that is open to dogs of all breeds, shapes, and sizes. Medal events include athletic and non-athletic competitions such as doggie limbo, musical sit (similar to musical chairs), best beggar, best pet trick, Frisbee toss, … Read more

Buscapades, a delicious lunch, drinks w/colleagues, Rigoletto w/Mary (MIND MAP ALERT), 1st Fri@Flex

~Friday~  Of all the city bus drivers I’ve had over the year I’ve been riding today’s is about the best. It was with all of that enthusiasm that I made a note of the e-mail address with which to nominate a driver for “Driver of the Week.” Madonna and Genetically-Beautiful Daughter (a.k.a. Sophia now) were … Read more

Treading water at work, a couple of meetings, a walk around the lake, and some TV…

~Thursday~  I was behind schedule this morning and really had every intention of getting into my car and riding over to the Avent Ferry Food Lion to catch the Wolfline. However, when I stepped out of my townhouse, it was 8:19, and rarely the bus come by 8:20, but more so by 8:25, so I said, … Read more