Lunch w/Patrick, old neurons, new glasses, Bubba pounces, an MMORPG-themed play, & blackout night…

~Saturday~  I met Patrick Barclay for lunch at noon at The Diner. We had good conversation, and a good brunch once our ham and cheese omelets were whisked away and our actual-ordered three-cheese omelets arrived. They had a shortage of pens there, and to that end they grabbed ours just as soon as we finished … Read more

Buscapades, hunger management issues, cancelations, lame dancing, & a 4th meal…

~Wednesday~  There were only two people on the bus when I boarded this morning, and one of them had a scowl on her face, as if she were unhappy to be riding the bus. It made me think about my attitude about riding the bus. I really enjoy it. However, I don’t have to ride … Read more

Buscapades, an odoriferous day, a weight milestone, 16 & pregnant, and a workout…

~Tuesday~  There were two peeps at my bus stop again this morning, once again an African-American couple, but not the same couple as yesterday. No pictures—portrait or landscape orientation—were taken. They both boarded before me and both said, “Day passes, please,” which is a requirement before putting your $2.00 in the fare machine so the … Read more

Applying for $750, French Quarter fun, tons of homework, & some heterosexist dance lessons…

~Sunday~  I slept in this morning. Glorious Sunday. I had a most delicious bagel with cream cheese for breakfast, along with some coffee, of course. I had 14 items on my to-do list for this weekend, and I knocked out a few of them today. Completed submission form for my Flexible Health Spending Account reimbursement … Read more

An unscheduled bus stop, the racial divide, a touching sympathy card, class, and dancing…

~Wednesday~  The city bus stops for me at a stop that is right after turning left onto Kaplan from Kent. This morning the bus did something I’ve never seen it do before. While it was stopped at that intersection waiting to turn left, where there’s a stop sign, it opened its doors and let someone … Read more

A non-kneeling bus, seeing liver, 1 in 10, HE wins, class, a workout, & dancing…

~Wednesday~  I was at the bus stop a few minutes early, which did not bode well with the combination of cold temperatures this morning and the lateness of the bus. It got to the point where I looked around for a very wide tree that I might stand aside in such a way that it … Read more

Shared vibrations, that’s not an ironing board, wooden gliders, class, and a workout…

~Monday~  I thought I was taking the #9 Greek Village Wolfline bus in this morning, but what actually showed up was a “GV to DH Hill” (from Greek Village to the university library) bus instead. I’ve seen this bus in passing before, and figured it was kind of an “over-flow” bus that just serves the … Read more

You ain’t payin’ mines?, a tombstone tattoo, a workout w/TV, and a new dimension…

~Tuesday~  A couple got on the bus—the gentleman first, followed by the lady. He put his money into the machine, grabbed his printed fare card, and started down the aisle toward a seat. The lady stood in front of the fare machine, turned toward him, and with her hands on her hips hollered, “What? You … Read more

A mistakenly noisy idling car, lunch w/Susan, stolen cookies, & thoroughly enjoyable storytelling…

~Thursday~  Because there was ice on my windshield this morning, I did something I can’t ever remember doing—I started my car to run while I poured my coffee into my thermos and gathered my things up to leave. As I returned to my living room, which faces the parking area, I could hear my car … Read more

Breasts beyond belief, a potato side FAIL, some to-do items checked off…

~Sunday~  I slept in this morning. Glorious Sunday. Right after breakfast, I did two loads of laundry. Facebook is really off base with these ridiculous ads that keep popping up down the right side of my screen while I’m logged in: I tweeted this about them: Hate to tell advertisers that those [obviously Photoshopped—to the … Read more