Brothers can you spare a quarter? Crickets. UTTERS. A comic and a workout…

~Thursday~  I’ve seen the man before who sat in the seat in front of me on the bus this morning. I’m quite sure he’s a veteran of some war. He wears some sort of orange medical band on his left wrist and usually has his walking cane draped over the seat in front of him. … Read more

A containerless pot of coffee, a badass on the bus, and The Turn of the Screw…

~Thursday~ It has happened twice now in the past couple of weeks, so it’s time to make a serious mental note that these two morning tasks, described here with the rhetorical device known as an unordered list: Put coffee on Get thermos out of briefcase from yesterday to put it in really requires an ordered … Read more

I got the fever (and a stomach virus, too); working from home; a 3-year anniversary; and more…

~Tuesday~ I woke up to some sort of stomach virus this morning, and I decided that I’d rather be in the bathroom every 10 minutes in the privacy of my own home than at work. I sent an e-mail to my boss asking if I could work from home today, saying if not, then I’d … Read more

The blind man said to his deaf son, big brother pizza, and Leslie Jordan @ Drag Bingo…

~Friday~ This morning a blind rider got on the bus at one stop. I’ve mentioned this guy before, although it’s been quite a while. The last time I mentioned him was when he didn’t take his fare ticket out of the machine after paying, and the bus driver held it out, waving it up and … Read more

Buscapades, dreadlocks (again!), people-in-the-news, and young-dumb-and-full-of…

~Thursday~  This morning Library Guy—who wears glasses, is usually totally silent on the bus, doesn’t make eye contact, and almost always reads, usually a magazine in his field of study—was yammering away with the lady behind me, who was the lady I mentioned a week or two ago who at that time was reading a … Read more

An airport run, Obama comes to rally in Raleigh, Skype, and dancing…

~Wednesday~ I was up at 5:20, left my house at 5:30, and picked up Joe at 5:45 for an airport delivery of his body to the US Airway terminal for yet another trip to Pennsylvania to address family issues. Back home, I had a quick breakfast, and brewed four cups of coffee while I made … Read more

Reading, a $27K painting by a 9-year-old, work, a screwy ticket order, and some reading…

~Tuesday~ An uneventful ride in this morning. I read The Audacity of Hope on my Kindle the entire way. Still never going to finish by Friday, but later in the day, I went ahead and requested a copy to be put on hold at the Cameron Village Library for me. That way, when I turn … Read more

A playah, John Martin r u there, nude sunning, a haircut, and a cry…

~Monday~  The lady sitting in the seat on the opposite side of the bus, and one row up from me had on a multi-colored dress—deep, dark colors of swirled images. She had on dangling earrings that resembled a tiny cluster of grapes, but with each “grape” exactly matching one of the colored swirls in her dress. … Read more

Old people food, laundry, Sound of Music gone horror, dinner with Joe, a little late night work…

~Sunday~ I was up at ten today, and had old people’s food for breakfast: All-Bran, although I did add some raisins to it. Technically, I suppose, if it were real old people’s food, I would have added prunes to it. I did a mixed load of laundry today. I have always done separate colors and … Read more