A puzzler, Sho Nuff, me Googled, and picking up Joe…

~Monday~ A recent Car Talk puzzler: What’s so interesting about this sentence about the infamous lousy handwriting of doctors? “I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting, nevertheless extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality counterbalancing indecipherability transcendentalizes intercommunications incomprehensibleness.”

Thoughtfulness credit, catching up my blog, mostly social book club, and some free pool…

~Sunday~ Someone got breakfast in bed this morning, but by the time I got upstairs with it, he had gotten up. He ended up eating it at the kitchen table, which was much more practical, and I still got credit for the thoughtfulness. WIN! [Hover over image for description] Ha! This entry on failblog.org reminded … Read more

A buscapade that continued off the bus, dinner with Hugh & Abby, and some time at Flex…

~Friday~ A cast of characters in today’s buscapade: A very attractive, very-well dressed lady sat on one of the center-facing priority seats for the elderly and disabled. She had on huge white beaded dangling earrings, a black nylon on her head covering all of her hair and pulled back tightly into a bun—wide and short like a … Read more

Anna Karenina renewal #2, 30threads.com entry, pastcapades, an ambivalent work day, & an early PM…

~Tuesday~ A couple of items from yesterday that I wanted to capture: Anna Karenina was due. I was unable to renew it online, so I called the library. The conversation went like this: Library: “Hello, this is Jane Doe with the Cameron Village Library.” [Wish I’d’ve caught her name.] Me: “Hello, Jane, this is John … Read more

Silly Putty suicide, additional postage required, a short workout, & playing in a Washing Machine…

~Friday~ Two normally unrelated things in my life came together this week: the campus on which I work, NC State University (NCSU) a fellow blogger and friend, Ginny Skalski when NCSU did a public experiment and Ginny recorded it and put it on her website, 30threads.com. Before you look at the video, picture in your … Read more

Rain falls, tempers rise: a buscapade; a good workout; a good podcast; and some pool…

~Tuesday~ Rain falls, tempers rise: a buscapade. I woke up to the sound of torrential rain. A quick peek between blind slats at the rippling stream of water running along the pavement of the downhill parking area in front of my townhouse confirmed what I already knew. By the time I left for the bus … Read more

Habitat heat kicks my Humanity or “Putting the red in redneck”…

~Friday~ I had a bunch of Facebook comments and affirmations yesterday in response to my status update about my participation in Habitat for Humanity today:  John Martin I’m going to help build a Habitat house tomorrow. They say siding and roofing. Among my tools I’m packing a personal fan. 🙂  Richard Baek at 10:17pm June … Read more

Twitter for customer feedback, buying gifts/outa sight-outa mind, and dancing…

~Wednesday~ No complaints—or compliments for that matter—about the bus this morning. I read on the ride in. I used Twitter this morning to garner some “customer feedback” about our organization, and forwarded it on to management. At lunch time, I caught the Wolfline bus over to the NCSU Bookstore, where I purchased two gift cards. … Read more

Oven and fridge buses, homosexual demons, and more Anna Karenina…

~Tuesday~ I was totally rushed to get to the bus this morning, and only when it pulled up did I realize I didn’t have my badge (a.k.a. “my free fare ticket”) around my neck, nor did I know where it was. Fortunately, the driver recognized me and said, “Yeah, I know you, come on in.” … Read more