No walking stick needed, funny MLIAs, a quote, dancing, and spotting…

~Wednesday~  I read on the bus on the way in. Uneventful. For the bus home, I was joined at the bus stop in front of the SECU by the “Genetics-Studying Lady” and her adorable little daughter. I haven’t seen them for a while, but these are the two about whom I’ve said before that I’ve … Read more

Badu’s back, a busy work day, scheduling for The Turn of the Screw, and tunnel light…

~Tuesday~ The Erykah Badu lady with the heavy eyelashes was on the bus again this morning. She had on her black, pin-striped pants again, but the rest of the outfit was different. She had on white eye shadow, which accentuated her eyes and heavy lashes even more if you can imagine, especially since she’s African-American. We … Read more

Breakfast in, NCGLFF choices, a renewal, a workout, stupid mail, and some karaoke…

~Sunday~ Last night, Joe and I had talked about possibly meeting at Panera Bread for breakfast this morning, but I didn’t really feel up to it, and he was gracious enough to change plans. I had two eggs over easy, some toast, and coffee here at the house. I forgot to mention yesterday that I … Read more

A slug of a man, stumbling upon luxury, and cabin fever abated…

~Saturday~ I was up at about 8:30 today and had, perhaps, the laziest day I’ve had in years. I was feeling a little under the weather, and spent about three-quarters of the day sleeping. Just an absolute slug. I checked my “StumbleUpon Recommended Linguistics Sites” e-mail, and a pointer to this resort in Africa reminded … Read more

An airport run, Friday Latte & lunch, end of work party, and staying in…

~Friday~ I worked from home today so no bus to capade. I dropped Robert off at Terminal 1 (US Air) at 8:40 for his 9:40 flight. He’s spending a long weekend in Madison. I met Kim, Anna, Sarah, and Brad at Helios for “Friday Latte,” where we proceeded to have conversations compelling enough that a … Read more

A sham; A water meter liability; Take a letter, Maria, address it to yourself; and dancing…

~Wednesday~ Today’s buscapade revolves around how acoustics can affect getting “the dirt.” Imagine this depiction of the first few seats on the bus. In the past, whenever I’ve referred to a bus having two center-facing seats in the front, this is the kind of set up I’m talking about, and it was the seating arrangement … Read more

Groundhog’s morning, parent orientation, info fair, MJ’s funeral, an elevator memory, & a workout…

~Tuesday~ I did a “Groundhog’s Day” this morning, rushing around in order to catch the 7:45 bus, but arriving at 7:48, I missed it. It was so humid that instead of waiting 20 more minutes out in the heat for the next bus, I walked back up the driveway and into my townhouse, lay down … Read more

Rap babies, buscapades, a calculated card replacement, friendship bread, and some reading…

~Monday~ Go ahead. Take a minute (a minute and one second, to be exact) to start your day with a giggle: Shortly after boarding the bus this morning, I was treated to a PSA, apparently for the bus drivers, but being broadcasted loud enough over the bus’s radio communication system that it might as well … Read more

REALLY, DUDE??? Joe to the airport, misplaced articles, a workout, and karaoke…

~Sunday~ Okay, this entry from Craigslist’s “Missed Connections” section is wrong on so many levels, without a doubt most of which totally elude its author. By the way, this entry is not for the prude of heart, so I’m putting it behind a cut. If you think you might be offended by it, please don’t … Read more

An Independence Day cookout with family and friends, and dancing…

~Saturday~ I had a lazy morning, and did a couple of loads of laundry, the second one being my sheets. I look forward to fresh, clean, soft ones tonight! I met Robert at 4:00 at his sister and her husband’s farm out in Orange County, where we enjoyed three hours of a very interesting collection … Read more