Geographical religion, some cheap Ts, dinner@Joe’s, Mostly Social Book Club, and karaoke…

~Sunday~ We were up just before nine after a good eight hours of sleep. For breakfast, I microwaved some pre-cooked turkey sausage patties, sliced up a hard-boiled egg, and put them on a nice soft small square roll. Good stuff. Robert was a dear and folded laundry while I worked on creating a simple chart … Read more

A futzing around day, dinner in, some crossword puzzles, and dancing…

~Saturday~ I futzed around today, eventually getting to the grocery store at 4:00. Once home, I made up some Clam & Cream Cheese Dip, and browned Italian Sausage that I’d bought for dinner. Robert arrived at a little after 5:00, and we enjoyed the dip with some pretzels while I heated up the three-cheese spaghetti … Read more

A fantastic buscapade, some construction art, Ellen’s “Hawaii Chair,” and dinner with Joe…

Where does the time go? Here we are moving into the final month of the first half of 2009, or if you’re a state government employee—into the final month of the fiscal year. The most fantastic buscapade took place today: I took a seat toward the front of the bus for less than thirty seconds, … Read more

My annual intimacy with a woman, your marriage might be next, some errands, and one for the team…

I had my annual physical this morning, which I’ve been dreading for several months now. I got the usual cadre of annual physical checks starting with lab work, which I’d fasted for 12 hours in preparation for, and as always, I asked that an HIV test be included. The phlebotomist seemed like she was “in training”—which is … Read more

An early morning plan change, an unfruitful runaround, and an abandoned read…

This morning’s plan:        Get up at 4:15.   ✔              Leave for the airport with Casey at 4:30.   ✔         Meet Robert back at my place.   ✔         Go to breakfast at the Farmers’ Market Restaurant when it opened at 6:00.   ✖  What really happened:        Get up at 4:15. … Read more

Greatest opening lines, some affirmations, pot & booze, a lawyer, and an upgrade…

We had our monthly staff meeting at my boss’s boss’s level today—four departments of about 20-25 people. First on our agenda was a new director to our organization. He started working in our organization April 15, 2009. We’ve been starting off our last several staff meetings with one director of each of the other seven … Read more

Buscapades, an affirming lunch, pork chops on the grill, and dancing…

This morning’s buscapade evoked two thoughts: There’s no eating, smoking, drinking, or profanity on the CAT bus. Frances Conroy‘s character Ruth Fisher on HBO’s Six Feet Under, “Language!” A man got on the bus on his cell phone, taking a seat maybe two rows behind me. He was in the midst of heated (read: screaming) discussion … Read more

Bus confusion (still), state health plan B&M, a confusing relationship, and a dinner guest…

29 years ago today, I walked into New Employee Orientation at International Business Machines, where I enjoyed a 28-year career that ended on my own terms on September 12, 2008. I read more of Dewey on the bus on the way in. Each driver seems to have a different idea of exactly where the bus should … Read more