Rain falls, tempers rise: a buscapade; a good workout; a good podcast; and some pool…

~Tuesday~ Rain falls, tempers rise: a buscapade. I woke up to the sound of torrential rain. A quick peek between blind slats at the rippling stream of water running along the pavement of the downhill parking area in front of my townhouse confirmed what I already knew. By the time I left for the bus … Read more

Lucy’s gravely ill, a workout, an MP3 experiment, some work, and some karaoke…

~Sunday~ Who knew it wasn’t about LSD? Real `Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds’ gravely ill. I made it to the gym again today—starting out with five minutes of stretching my legs, followed by 30 minutes on the elliptical machine for a 518-calorie burning workout. The MP3 Experiment: You may not have heard of Improv … Read more

Some indulgence, some errands, and some socializing…

~Saturday~ Today’s entry starts off with a confession. For the last two days I’ve been doing something I haven’t done in a long time. I’ve watched television. I used to love The Practice back when it was on and I had a TV. To be precise, I guess, what I loved was Dylan McDermott playing … Read more

Habitat heat kicks my Humanity or “Putting the red in redneck”…

~Friday~ I had a bunch of Facebook comments and affirmations yesterday in response to my status update about my participation in Habitat for Humanity today:  John Martin I’m going to help build a Habitat house tomorrow. They say siding and roofing. Among my tools I’m packing a personal fan. 🙂  Richard Baek at 10:17pm June … Read more

Twitter for customer feedback, buying gifts/outa sight-outa mind, and dancing…

~Wednesday~ No complaints—or compliments for that matter—about the bus this morning. I read on the ride in. I used Twitter this morning to garner some “customer feedback” about our organization, and forwarded it on to management. At lunch time, I caught the Wolfline bus over to the NCSU Bookstore, where I purchased two gift cards. … Read more

Oven and fridge buses, homosexual demons, and more Anna Karenina…

~Tuesday~ I was totally rushed to get to the bus this morning, and only when it pulled up did I realize I didn’t have my badge (a.k.a. “my free fare ticket”) around my neck, nor did I know where it was. Fortunately, the driver recognized me and said, “Yeah, I know you, come on in.” … Read more

Black Monday and Salon III

~Monday~ Today will probably go down as “Black Monday” or “06/08/09. Never Forget.” or something like that at my place of employment—NC State University. For weeks a saga has been playing out around the abuse of power by our ex-governor, Mike Easley, and the hiring of his wife, Mary Easley by NC State University. The … Read more

Geographical religion, some cheap Ts, dinner@Joe’s, Mostly Social Book Club, and karaoke…

~Sunday~ We were up just before nine after a good eight hours of sleep. For breakfast, I microwaved some pre-cooked turkey sausage patties, sliced up a hard-boiled egg, and put them on a nice soft small square roll. Good stuff. Robert was a dear and folded laundry while I worked on creating a simple chart … Read more

Good judgment fail, clapping like a seal, a gift card fail, Hugh’s birthday, and some pool…

This scene at the bus stop this morning inspired me to create my own “failblog.org-like” entry: I spent most of my morning preparing for an afternoon meeting that had been postponed twice over the past week or so. Three times was a charm, and the meeting went well. Glad I prepared for it. During lunch, … Read more