Frustrating and tedious work, a disappointing lunch, an abonded night out, and an abandoned book…

This morning, I worked on some items for our next OIT News publication, and got frustrated with myself for having waited too close to the deadline to work on it. A lesson learned for next month. To avoid this from happening with the minutes of the UITC meeting, which have to be out two weeks … Read more

Buscapoops, words that make you look like an idiot, two books, and seven short stories…

This morning’s buscapade actually took place while waiting for the bus. A young lady walking her large dog on the other side of the street stopped suddenly to accommodate the dog’s decision to do his morning duty. As he started squatting his hind legs, these thoughts ran through my mind: Look away. Give the dog … Read more

Worked from home, a celebrity stalking, finished Stiff, a DiMambro-fixed router, and a dad update…

I worked from home today, keeping my germs with me. I’m very grateful to work the kind of job in which this is possible, and I’m grateful to have an employer and a manager who embrace the notion. You gotta love The Onion: Click to read their story entitled, “Sasha Obama Keeps Seeing Creepy Bush … Read more

J. Beal’s over the edge, cold coming on, canceled commitments, accounting for books, & groceries…

From the world of spam… I’m afraid to even open, much less read, an email with the subject line of, “The rotating shaft & clit tickler always drive me wild.” But, alas, I did, only to find this “testimonial”: The most mind-blowing orgasms I have ever had! It is sensational. The clit tickler is amazing—I … Read more

Buscapades, meeting Myra for breakfast, China presentation@work, and Third Friday @ Golden Belt…

I caught the city bus early this morning—at 7:25 instead of the regular 7:55 or 8:25 that I usually catch. I took a seat toward the back of the bus, where across from me sat a man and a woman. The man had long, dirty-blond hair, which covered the sides of his face, which was … Read more

Rosa sat, bus irritants, picking up Stiff, canceling my land line service, and skipping the gym…

Someone on Twitter pointed to this video today. I love it. “Rosa sat, so Martin could walk Martin walked so Barack could run Barack ran so all our children could fly.” Today was not a good bus day. It started with the No. 12 Method Road bus arriving not with such indication on the L.E.D. sign … Read more