Morning about downtown, some renowned wieners, a Sophie’s choice for dad, and Norma Jean poops…

I spent about an hour-and-a-half at the Morning Times Cafe this morning—my first time there. I parked at Flex and intended to take the R-Line over, but just as I got out of my car, the bus went by. So, even though it was raining, I walked over, which was good exercise and not half bad … Read more

A day of affirmations…

I had a morning of meetings today. The first one was the University Information Technology Committee (UTIC) meeting, which is held every other month. It’s the one that I recently (a couple of weeks ago) finished the meeting minutes before, as that’s my charge, and this is one of those “official university meetings” that has … Read more

A surreal morning meeting, an “all-hands” (and feet) meeting, and the start of my Study Circles…

I had a most surreal start to my day today. Highlighting some convergence of events for context: Today was the first work day of Daylight Saving Time. My dad’s health has been declining since early Fall of last year. His issues include: failing kidneys, congestive heart failure (recently diagnosed), and prostate cancer (currently under control), … Read more

An obit, some love from Robert, some hate in the world, a walk, grilling and dancing…

Most of you know that I collect euphemisms for death in the obituaries. This one is especially poetic: On Saturday, February 28, 2009, God dispatched a host of angels to bring Mother Amie Avery home. The call was louder than a whisper, the roaring voice of God; but you and I did not hear it … Read more

An affirming day, but “Christian” rhetoric abounds, and dad has a stroke…

My day started off with a nice affirmation in my inbox from my boss. She had sent me (yesterday before going to Mitch’s with the group) a copy of the framework of my work plan (described below) to review, and in the email she said, “Thanks in advance for all you’ve done to ‘advance the … Read more

Irony, rhetorical devices, liquid team-building, and heartwarming new friends…

I forgot to capture two things that happened yesterday while I was waiting for the bus to go home: I glanced over at three cars parked in the meter spots in front of my work building, and I saw a ticket tucked underneath one of the wiper blades with its ends flapping in the breeze . The meter readers … Read more

Buscapades, foods, work, and dancing…

This morning’s buscapades: I practiced “just-in-time” bus stop arrival this morning. Literally, I walked up to the bus stop and onto the bus. Not a second to spare. Once on, it was hot, hot, hot, hot, hot in there, and not in a good way. I used that “hot, hot, hot” line about my office … Read more

A morning earworm, love@50% off, good reviews, Abe travels, and a night out with the tweeters…

This morning, much to my horror, I found myself singing out loud while waiting for the bus at the bus stop, “The wheels on the bus go ’round and ’round, ’round and ’round, ’round and ’round…” [Go ahead, click on it.] My boss reviewed my draft of the minutes of that university meeting that I worked … Read more