Mom Shumaker’s passing, my Twitter presentation, dining at The Flying Biscuit, and dancing…

I started off my work day with a meeting with the Computing@NC State team. There wasn’t too much to cover and we finished in 40 minutes, instead of taking the entire hour. I put on final touches to my Twitter presentation, and shortly before I left to cross the street to the building in which … Read more

Worked from home, a celebrity stalking, finished Stiff, a DiMambro-fixed router, and a dad update…

I worked from home today, keeping my germs with me. I’m very grateful to work the kind of job in which this is possible, and I’m grateful to have an employer and a manager who embrace the notion. You gotta love The Onion: Click to read their story entitled, “Sasha Obama Keeps Seeing Creepy Bush … Read more

Big regrets, a heart-warming news story, a full-blown cold, a little work, and an update on dad…

My favorite tweet from today: chrisblake Googling the Web’s biggest regrets: http: // about 1 hour ago What do you know? A heart-warming story made the news… “Their names immortalized (Boston Globe) Ironworkers spray paint names of young cancer patients onto the beams of the Yawkey Center going up at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.” Click … Read more

Buscapades, meeting Myra for breakfast, China presentation@work, and Third Friday @ Golden Belt…

I caught the city bus early this morning—at 7:25 instead of the regular 7:55 or 8:25 that I usually catch. I took a seat toward the back of the bus, where across from me sat a man and a woman. The man had long, dirty-blond hair, which covered the sides of his face, which was … Read more

Thursday’s leftovers, Joe to the airport, coffeeshop customer service, and The Receptionist…

I forgot to mention a couple of things about yesterday: When I got home from work neither my trash can nor my recycle bin, both of which I had put out in the morning, were anywhere to be found. I spotted a trash can halfway down the hill upon which I live, laying on its … Read more

Bus musings, three work affirmations, a create news blurb, and a fun night of dancing…

Work affirmation: All state employees go through a 6-month probation period when they’re hired—”just in case things don’t work out.” This e-mail exchange took place on 02/05/09 between the personnel rep (Marilou) and my manager (Jude): Jude, John’s probation will be up on 3/15/09—if you have no objection, he will go permanent on that date. Marilou … Read more

Ellen calls Gladys, a hot bus ride, a team meeting, a Twestival donation, & an aunt’s affirmation…

OMG. ROTFLMAO. This is hysterical. I just love Ellen. It was hot as Hades on the bus this morning—so hot, in fact, that I had to get up and ask the bus driver to please turn down the heat. I guess new bus riders just have to fumble around to discover things. Today, after riding … Read more

Fixed glasses, kids w/glasses, working from home, and exercising…

I worked from home today, since I had no meetings and needed to run to my eye doctor’s during lunchtime to get my partially-rimless glasses fixed. I had them hanging from the collar of my shirt on Saturday, and when @justis hugged me at Helios, a wire snapped that holds the lenses in and the right … Read more

Homo Haggard, $stimator, lunch with a friend, walk with a friend, grilling out, and dancing…

Why is it that some people can only “see” homosexuality for what it is when it happens to them or someone they love? Pastor Ted Haggard, who was exiled from his Colorado church in 2006 in a gay sex scandal, said this week that the incident has altered his views on religion and the culture … Read more