A cute koala, a famous twitterer, a waving signal, Abe, working affirmations, & free pool…

In the category of total cuteness, I got an e-mail from my friend Kevin (av8rdude) with this little note in it from his manager, who lives in Australia: A little Koala which just walked on to our neighbours back veranda looking for a bit of heat relief.  Filled a bucket for it and this is … Read more

Dreams of Barack, floss manufacturing, blog affirmation, games & learning, $$$, and dancing…

Someone on Twitter pointed out this website today: Dreams of Barack. I like the concept. I, myself, have not had a Barack dream yet. Is dental floss made in the U.S. at all? I have three rolls currently at my house: one made in China, one made in England, and the other one made in … Read more

A rainy wait, a team meeting, some professional affirmations, poignant radio, pills, and dancing…

Today was one of the very few days since I started riding the bus to work on September 15, 2008, that I had to wait for it in the rain. I started my work day with a (choose your term) staff | department | team meeting. They tend to be called staff meetings here, though … Read more

We lose Kay Yow, exterminator service, a workout, a reunion, and flashlight night…

I woke up to the news of the passing of KayYow at 6:40 this morning. R.I.P., great lady. My exterminator was scheduled to arrive some time between 11 and noon today, and he pulled up at about 11:01. He was not my “regular guy,” as I’ve never had service on a Saturday before—didn’t even know … Read more

My president, too; complicated coffee orders; smoking toddlers; and more!

A couple of tidbits from the bus rides today: Two adults were talking to each other in the back, and one asked the other, “So are you happy with your president?” to which a little child traveling with them interjected before the other could answer, “He’s my president, too!” On Hillsborough Street, across the front lawn … Read more

More Engulfed in Flames, ordering some pics for Aunt Annette, some karaoke, and a show…

Robert was up before me this morning, and had coffee ready when I got up. Sweet. We listened to more of When You’re Engulfed in Flames. Hilarious! I checked my cell phone voice messages mid-afternoon, and found a message from my aunt’s stepdaughter telling me that my aunt is trying to enlarge some pictures I … Read more