Metal gets in your eyes, an MRI, an affirming work day, and some great short stories…

“You got any metal in your eyes?” “Pardon, me?” I asked, realizing I was still half asleep at 7:30 in the morning. “Do you have any metal in your eyes?” the nurse repeated. We had left the MRI waiting room and were standing in the hallway, right in front of a glass door leading outside. … Read more

UNC CAUSE 2008—Day 2

Our complimentary breakfast this morning was provided by Techexcel. My schedule today included these sessions: Time   Title  Sponsor/Host/Presenter 9:00-9:45 Give Your Users a Little UNC-Chapel Hill 10:15-11:00 Adventures in New Student Email UNC-Pembroke 12:15-1:00 Web Services BOF NCSU 1:30-2:15 IT Tools – Cyber Stalkers UNC-Wilmington 2:30-3:15 Using the Power of the Web to Organize Your … Read more

Mystery reader revealed, a good work day, a short car scare, and some pool and pigs…

This is with regards to this little item in my November 11TH entry. Early this morning, I had this e-mail in my work inbox: Subject: Your Surprise Blog Reader Hi John, I’m not sure if I’m the same person Jude was referring to. The story sounds vaguely familiar to my situation—or maybe you have TWO … Read more

Some fun stuff, a productive work day, a surprise blog reader, and back to the gym…

This lady’s comments just crack me up! At work today, I attended a two-hour communications meeting in the morning, which was very interesting, and at which I learned a lot. I attended a two-hour team meeting with Rhonda and Jude, in which we got a lot done. Between my being gone for two weeks and … Read more

Knee issues, created my first Wiki, a Secret Chord invitation, and early to bed…

My knee was in incredible pain all day today. It was the kind of pain where I kept thinking, “You really should get this thing x-rayed. What if walking on it is the worse thing you could be doing? But, I know all they’re going to do is tell me to RICE it.” At work … Read more

People to People Technical Communications Professional Delegation to China—Day 11

Today was our last "professional day" on the trip, and after the usual breakfast buffet, which I ate gloriously alone today, we were off to our morning visit with the Strategic Delivery Organization, Greater China, Accenture, where our Meeting Agenda noted at the bottom: "The washroom at the meeting venue is western style with toilet … Read more

Last day of work this month, Deer Hunting w/Jesus & Robert & Katherine…

I wore shorts and a t-shirt to work today. Among other things, I created an announcement about my trip to the staff, which is now posted in the Staff News section of the Office of Information Technology home page: OIT staff member talks technical communication in China. I picked up Katherine Chandler at the airport … Read more

A Stan-level staff meeting, work turnover meeting, and the State Fair…

Good week for… Bad week for… Health-food stores, after Italian researchers isolated an erection-inducing plant compound in a widely sold Chinese herb known as Horny Goat Weed. The compound, icariin, may be as effective as Viagra, researchers said. Biological warfare, after a West Virginia man was charged with battery on a police officer for passing … Read more